VTshredder69zionist controlled media? you mean the 90% liberal media?
Dude you're just making shit up at this point. LOL
zionist agents? LMAO. We're talking about america here not israel. Get a life dude.
96% of television media is owned by 5 corporations which are owned by Zionist Jews. Zionists are overrepresented as executives and editors in media based on their per capita population due in part to nepotism. If Zionist 'Jews' are less than 1.5% of the population, how can they control 96% of media?
And again, Trump, your idol, is a criminal and was a life-long establishment democrat before becoming a republican; hence why the media always talks about him and secretly loves him. He's part of the ruling class and hates you. The only semi literate thing Trump has ever done is appoint Douglas MacGregor in a grifting campaign but even he has his problems.
If we were TALKING about America, a landmass, we would be talking about freedom. You are talking about the United States corporation which the Electorial college appoints an executive officer as president of Congress LLC. I'm only establishing that anti-US agents have taken control of the US, most happen to be Zionists, which under the title of nobility clause in the Constitution (statuary laws they're suppose to follow) is treasonous. We give Israel over $10 mill/day, her Israel affinity orgs, which should be registered as foreign agents, take our money (labor) and traffic it to Israel with the full support of a Zionist captured DOJ and treasury department under both Trump and Biden.
Trump is and has always been a butt boy of the Mishpucka and his largest donor was the now dead Sheldon Adelson, a man who said he is loyal to Israel only. Question, could I kill a US citizen, flee to Israel and then become a member of the Knesset? No! But Israelis can. Can I dance on 9/11 and celebrate the destruction of the twin towers to "document the event" and then tell the FBI -- controlled at that time by demon Zionist Jew Chertoff, whose entire family were Irgun terrorists -- that "in 20 years we'll take over your media and destroy your country," only to be let go by Chertoff? No, of course not! If I said any of this publicly I'd get fired from my job but if I'm a Zionist, I'm free to kill anyone I want and get away with it. I'm free to steal nuclear triggers from a facility in PA, causing 150 million dollars in damage to the surrounding town, which its residents, Americans, were forced to foot the bill, and flee to Israel! Now I'm living a lavish life in Samson option nuclear Israel which controls all US politicians, thru lobby orgs like AIPAC, founded by a Bolshevik. Can I kill JFK and RFK for trying to stop Israel going nuclear by investigating Dimona or for trying to make AIPAC a foreign agent? No, of course not, but Israel, Zionists and the pro-interventionist CIA, now under the direction of a dual-Israeli, can with no issue. Of course, the Symington & Glenn amendments, which you probably know nothing about, mean that Americans are suppose to cut off illegal foreign aid to nuclear Israel.
The problem is Zionism, not liberalism. It was a problem 100 years ago, it was a problem in Europe, in Germany, in Poland 100 years ago, and as Poland started to fight back the Zionists magically switched sides and welcomed the Bolsheviks. They'll do it here too.
TLDR: it's the damn libs... VOTE TRUMP 2024.