So we had a room in the basement with a pillow I immediately fell in love with.

AND we had a drawer full of dew and RR and nuttybudys. I new that there park sucked and snowboarding is way more fun for just groomers so I brought my bord.

And after 2 days we got bord of runs and the park was literally a shitshow.

So naturally we went hunting for powder and were I come from the resorts couldn't care less about us going under the fences but these guys did. It was so much fun and the most snow I've ever seen practically untouched because everyone else new not to mess with patrol. We'd just blast under the lifts leaning back and going as fast as we dared. Getting cheered on by everyone on the lift Getting complements like YOUR SO GOOD AND THATS CRAZY. Which made us laugh so hard because we suck back at home. I got yelled at by so many people to were a helmet but I was like this is the softest most snow I've seen. I'll be fine.
Day 3 all my brother's are with us and we're just cruzin around looking for the park.( we found it first day but I just couldn't believe that was what they called a park) we stop to get a look and 10min later I'm like where is Sébastien my 7yr old sibling and everyone goes quiet, that's when we here a whimpering way up the hill and Sébastien is on his back slowly coming out of shock and into an all out tornado siren.

The groomers groomed over a branch and I ran it over with my wets which loosened it and both his skiis went underneath and just launched him so I called patroll and they said he broke his arm.

I was the guy who had to be there so all the patrol already new who I was. I was pretty easy to recognize because I'm the only one there with an xl green 686coat and baggy pants that aren't anymore cuz I grew.
We go back to blasting powder and I'm like kyler there's alot of patrol over here as we come off the lift. And as we get off they ask for us to step aside. Now this is day 5 and I only had a 4day pass so I borrowed kylers little brothers to get on the lift.
They ask for our passes and I'm like crap they no who I am so I gave them my expired one which they took pictures of.
They continued to yell at us about how we aren't special and we also have to obey the rules. (There were three things running through my head 1why do they care 2we are special I'm definitely the best rider on the whole mountain. 3when are they going to look at my pass I can't wait to run.) Then I told him "well no one else touched that powder and I can't just waste it. They said they'd ban us for the season if they catch us again and tell us to have a good day. Then I whisper to kyler as we're kicking away we got to go they have my expired pass
And as were just starting down the hill they yell hey come back here.
BOOM THE ADRENALINE IVE BEEN WAITING FOR I go yeeeeeshaaww and were gone.