Unpopular opinion but I think mute grabs are superior to blunts, they look better and it’s a much more fun grab
anyone agree or am I alone on this?
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33luke33blunts superior when layed out in a cork but mutes have their place with bios an rodeos fs
Deez_McskisInb4 @JackMeHoffXD tries and fails to roast this thread and brags about his " dub 9's " he's always doing.
LokenLapsUnpopular opinion but I think mute grabs are superior to blunts, they look better and it’s a much more fun grab
anyone agree or am I alone on this?
JackMeHoffXDAre you fucking trolling?
LokenLapsNah bruh mute>
JackMeHoffXDOK now let me ask you this. Would you rather watch the X Games or an urban ski edit?
DeadBBlunts are like 9 times harder, stylish, hard to rotate(unless cork)
BallZach420Careful OP, you don't want people thinking you're a contest skier
JackMeHoffXDAm i rent free in ur head or what?
33luke33blunts superior when layed out in a cork but mutes have their place with bios an rodeos fs
DeadBBlunts are like 9 times harder, stylish, hard to rotate(unless cork)
ReturnToMonkeyIt fully depends on trick. Personally, ive never landed a decent cork 7 without making the blunt grab. Rodeos and flatspins make mutes the sexiest thing ever. A regular 360 looks better with a tweaked safety than anything else. Which grab looks the best depends on how/who is doing it
DeadBI literally can't wrap my head around grabbing blunt this season. Last year I was getting blunt locked on 180s this year I literally am unable to grab it, maybe it's grabbing mute and nose and truck too much but idk I also have an irrational fear of dipping my tips when landing reg.
Weird thing is I see kids grabbing tail all day and struggling with mute which I just don't really understand because mute is so much more natural for me.
I've also literally never corked other then switch cork 5 but I don't got a big enough jump to get grabbing on it.
ReturnToMonkeyAll skiing is sliding on plastic, guy. What do you think base material is made of?
ReturnToMonkeyThink about it more like bringing your heels up, not pointing your toes down. As you bring your heels up, turn your head and watch your ski tip, then put your hand there. Don't stop watching until you feel the grab solid, then you can spot the landing.