I just picked up an HVX and I think it's amazing. eBay/FB marketplace are your best bet. I paid £500 or mine with 12GB worth of P2 cards, bought 2x 32GBs for £170 (~$830). If you wait/shop around you might get a much better deal than I did - I painfully found one about half the price of mine right after buying it but missing a few of the handy accessories, batteries, bag, cables, P2 cards (although i bought more storage).
If you want a 72mm fisheye and an 82-72mm step down ring go for a
Kapkur ($175 on Aliexpress) to save $$$, same as the Opteka (Century knock-off) and what is being sold by insta resellers but straight from the manufacturer - there is a slight blue vignette issue with them.
Click here for a full explanation on fisheye differences and the issue, same guy as the long guide below.
You will need Premiere or Final Cut Pro to edit those but I couldn't comment on how to save money there... Import process was easy as imo.
If you have any Qs hit me up, I recently went through the HVX learning curve and am more than willing to share. I'm a one armed bandit just now so typing is hard but I'll do my best.
However, this is the most comprehensive guide on the cameras I've found (hour and a half but time stamped and worth it):
This is a shorter guide that will get you up to speed too - can skip the bmx montages to make it shorter too. British skaters/bmxers coming in clutch with the guides.
It is huge but is a lovely tactile camera to use and I love the thing after only a few weeks with it.
**This post was edited on Apr 28th 2022 at 3:11:18pm
**This post was edited on Apr 28th 2022 at 3:17:09pm