I just wrapped up an email thread with Armada customer service where they denied another warranty claim of mine. This time it was because I couldn't find the receipt (~3 years old, very reasonable to not have it anymore IMO). I have a Balfour jacket that I bought in the 2018-19 season that just had the zipper completely blow out while I was on a trip. Other than the zipper issue, it's actually been a pretty good jacket. Pretty disappointing though that Armada doesn't expect the zipper on a $600+ jacket to last even than three years though.
In the past, I've gotten a full refund from Arcteryx after I blew out the crotch on a pair of pants that were 3.5 years old, without them even asking for a receipt. And I've taken a pair of Salomon Rocker2 108s that were de-lamming in to evo to handle the warranty exchange, and got new ones after I didn't even buy them there. So to Salomon, evo, and Arcteryx: thank you. You've provided great service and earned an extremely loyal customer. To Armada: go fuck yourselves.
I just hope others learn from this, and stop buying Armada garbage.
Here's my last failed Armada warranty for context: