Hey everyone,
Been a big fan of new schoolers and the hate on Andri Spagetti for a long time. Long live Henrik Harlaut and #WuTangIsForTheChildren. Anyways, I've been working with the US Ski and Snowboard team essentially aggregating any trick that anyone does in any comps for coaches to see and analyze and to potentially show to skiiers across the halfpipe or slope course how a certain rider does a trick. After the Olympics, we've decided to open up the app to the public for everyone to learn and view this stuff. Here is the link
infinitedegrees.xyz. You can search terms like Alex Hall, Dew Tour Finals, or Eileen Gu Buick Grab or really anything depending on what you want to do, athletes you want to emulate, or just watch.
There is an app in the app store called Infinite Degrees that I've released too; however, I'm not asking everyone to sign up or download. I'm asking for people's feedback. Would you as a park rider spend a minute looking up tricks before you drop in from the professionals off comps. The idea would be (and I use this too), is to try to emulate in the terrain park to for example see how their approach was, what was the snap like, where they grabbed in the trick, and such all in a 6 second video that can be played with different speeds.
Would be very much appreciative of people's thoughts! Cheers!