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FruitBootProporn pfp, gay flag on profile page, extremely controversial takes...obvious troll. exactly what this site doesn't need
SimonWheritystop with the auclair grab
dwt802word sounds good, next time I’m up at bridger I’ll do my first mute grab in 3 years j for you
You got clips landing that dub rod 9 with a blunt or safety grab you’ve been working on mr bossman?
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2022 at 2:37:47pm
Jemswhy are there so many new annoying ass people like you popping up recently?
ski_salmon69jems is this edit on your profile? looks like a fun one
Young_pattyOP’S edgy ass: “Bro I’m so sick of these fuckin… ughhh…”
*checks notes*
“Mute grabs! Fuck mute grabs!”
BLandzThis dude really said mute grabs arent stylish lmao you have horrible taste dude gtfo
JackMeHoffXDlmao imagine thinking mutes are stylish.... Wanna be comp skier
BLandzJack does blunt grabs what a comp skier I always see comp riders grab blunt.
JackMeHoffXDHAHAHHAAH that was so funny :/
Young_pattyFunnier than anything you’ve ever said
JackMeHoffXDThank god u don't grab mute anymore. I gained a little respect for u. But more importantly, why are u looking at my profile? Are u mad or something?
dwt802Homie I’m on Newschoolers, I saw the thread a week ago lmao
JackMeHoffXDThank god u don't grab mute anymore. I gained a little respect for u. But more importantly, why are u looking at my profile? Are u mad or something?
MastePoleWhackerLess mutes, more truck drivers. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
Pakanakafuck you
abcdefuIf you do a mute grab with a humongous 260 or 720 then a noire grab is fine. Maybe chads tap it to make it extra saucy like a Big Mac made animal style or you put the in n out on it idk. And if you really want to butter your mute you can do it with switch rodeo for extra steezy points and look like a swashbuckler too. So no mute grab will never die because if you have a few tricks up your sleeve you will know how to embody a cool guy look even with the mute grab and yes even in public like the little German Shepard boy you are
JackMeHoffXDfuckin sell out
abcdefuYou probably never ridden it like a cowboy before and it shows 🤠 if you really had done a mute grab like a true American would 🇺🇸 then the country would be saluting you right now on the big screen or at least at the National dog show you little German Shepard boy and I have done three mute grabs with the sauce effect I shouldn’t have to spell this out for you one of them was with the massive 180 on that jump that jp suck air made famous in the wee hours of the morning so you can honestly think about that
JackMeHoffXDmute is the biggest sin/sell out move in the ski industry bro i hate to tell ya. Read Steve Stepps book he explains it all
JackMeHoffXDmute is the biggest sin/sell out move in the ski industry bro i hate to tell ya. Read Steve Stepps book he explains it all
JackMeHoffXDHe looked like a flailing duck in the air how is this sick? fuckin rookies
CeleryDon't be shy, post your unatty rodeo 9.
abcdefuFrankly I have a strong feeling you never even eaten a raw mcnugget and you probably never blended it up with the ketchup French fry and water for a nice smoothie with a beautiful mouthfeel. You probably never been blended with the sauce and we can tell that’s why you never did a switch blender 540 with mute and definitely not trailing mute because that would be too extra guacamole thickness with garlic powder on the side for you.
**This post was edited on Mar 3rd 2022 at 3:49:25am
JackMeHoffXDmy sole just crumbled
honeynutgoonbefore you talk mad shit learn how to spell
IHatePedophilesComp skiing overall is lame. I would rather see someone throw a massive 180
JackMeHoffXDwhat wasn't spelled right? u a fucking retard
little1337L take + ratio + no rocker
honeynutgoonlook up the definition of every word in that sentence and i'm sure you can figure it out
KilaTsunamiNah if that’s the case then we rippin heel clickers
JackMeHoffXDCossacks and spread eagles as well. You know whats up homie