They're solid skis. The 3-stage rocker opens up a lot of possibilities that are impossible with traditional rocker shapes, such as charginess and butterability on a super rockered yet stiff ski. Their one main problem is their very high swing weight, also they could stand to have some more taper to allow pivoting in heavy pow. They can hold an edge on groomers if you press your weight into your heel just right and it feels rewarding to flex into the cambered section and have it shoot you out of a carve. Needless to say though, this isn't something that you can consistently learn to do right off the bat. Btw they rock in moguls provided that you have the strength to wrangle them.
People on this site assume I'm in love with them which I'm not, but I enjoyed my time on them for sure. 3 stage rocker is a great idea but some ppl here just insist that it feels like shit because they're scared of something that doesn't look like every other ski on the market.
TLDR they perform well in the majority of conditions/terrains and you actually won't have to get used to basic riding on them, but they could really stand to have some design improvements.