I live in NYC and so you definitely see all facets of life here. Lately ive just been getting pretty mad at some (maybe majority) people's apathy. its like whenever they get a little bit of money they choose to spend it on some expensive clothes to look cool. And like for what? Other people literally dying because they can't afford/don't have access to food, housing and healthcare?
I think its distasteful, cringy, and embarrassing to be wearing these thousand + dollar outfits in the face of people who are dying due to lack of funds because they weren't handed the right cards in life.
I just don't think it should be commonplace or acceptable to spend absurd amounts on your image just to feel validated. Not only is it unhealthy for yourself but you could literally be saving someone's life with that money if youre just gonna essentially throw it away at pointless items anyways.
Can we start shaming people for this