theabortionatorTrue, is there any even this guy doesn't just yell random stuff in?
The thing about having 2 announcers is you can work off each other. Even if you don't know anything about the sport.
Idk. With all the things the things with the Olympics you'd think they'd care a little more about the broadcast. They wouldn't hire some random dude to run a camera. Or maybe they would idk.
It's not ideal to know nothing about any sports but even with 0 knowledge of what a ski is dude could do way better.
hemlockjibber8wellll...... @rudager
jk buddy
Well actually….
I don’t get the struggle with the announcers here either, Mind you, I haven’t heard them. From my experience, two is always better than one, and there usually is a production playbook that they follow. Seems like CBC and NBC are doing it right with ABM and Tom.
It’s a production thing, I’ve never understood half the things that production does. I’m in the technical side. I would just think it would be easier to find someone with experience and say “hey, want to come announce the freestyle events for two weeks at the Olympics?”. Might not be everyone’s forte, but it seems if you’re done in a sport, you either go into production, or coaching.