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TreegrabberDefinetly bigger jump and set with your hips a little more(hump the air)
that looked like it hurt
I watched it a few times. You kind of stopped spinning. Could have gotten bucked on the take off, or locked your eyes on something. Looked committed off the take off though. Try to send it in a little harder, really look for the landing, head will keep you spinning.
Could def do it off a bigger jump but ive dont them on tiny ones and seen a lot of people learn them on similar size.
Props on hucking it. You def went for it. Hope you lock em in soon! Great trick to have.
A little more air time never hurts. Also a little steeper jump. Wind lips that really go up are the best. Steep take off smooth transition, higher landing, flat ish landing.
Hips in the park are also pretty good. Can deck our. 3 or 4 feet of air is all you really need. A steeper take off helps the spin and not traveling too far in distance makes it easier imo, and also saves you if you fall.
Could also be usefulnto get your knees more over your head when you geab and have your head looking a little harder for the landing.
Idk honestly, even though you didn't get close i think you're pretty close to getting it. Hopefully youre not too banged up and get stomp one. Good luck
TreegrabberDefinetly bigger jump and set with your hips a little more(hump the air)
that looked like it hurt
i never heard “hump the air” before but that is legit the best way i’ve heard setting for a flip with your hips explained, that and continuing to look around the whole flip till you spot the landing and you are gonna stomp the shit outta that. go big and u got this
You need a better set. Flips are in the hips. Its possible that lip is just too fast of a transition to work with to get a good set. I like to think of sending my hips forward and up relative to my shoulders.
like said before hips foreword but you bent your knees way too early. Hip thrust on take off and don't bend your knees til your skis have left the jump
I'm not good at flips, but watching your video it doesn't look like you have enough pop, and you didn't spot the landing. Like when you were fully upside down your face was towards the back of the jump instead of looking towards the landing. You're almost there though. A few adjustments and you got it.
you can flip that jump of course but it's not an easy one to learn em on. get something a little bigger and steeper with a nice smooth transition into it
POP more so you go up a little bit more, swing your hips and feet into the flip, and look for the landing immediately, you can see it really soon into the trick and once you see it you'll naturally bring your body around accordingly. ball up if you need to get the flip around faster
SofaKingSickyou can flip that jump of course but it's not an easy one to learn em on. get something a little bigger and steeper with a nice smooth transition into it
POP more so you go up a little bit more, swing your hips and feet into the flip, and look for the landing immediately, you can see it really soon into the trick and once you see it you'll naturally bring your body around accordingly. ball up if you need to get the flip around faster
imma build a kicker thursday most likely and try it again
sullivanobrien_imma build a kicker thursday most likely and try it again
great! take your time on it and make the tranny go smoothly into a nice steep takeoff. it's hard to learn flips on a tiny quick transition and i feel like it's part of the reason you didn't go upward as much as you'd like
but yeah make a better jump and pop and get those hips and the weight of your gear going skyward and look for that landing to keep it comin around. you certainly have the hard (scary) part out of the way now!
sullivanobrien_imma build a kicker thursday most likely and try it again
Do you have a local YMCA or gym with diving boards? Learning how to backflip by doing gainers on a diving board will make your life so much easier when you finally bring it to snow. It also helps your jumps be cleaner by training your body to pop off the lip. Your "POP" is the foundation of park skiing and unless you get it clean you are going to struggle a lot. If you look at the clip you just kind of swung your body backward off the jump instead of popping off the lip and setting that backward rotation.
Generally you want to:
Tighten your core
Pop off the lip
Swing your hips over your head (Imagine jumping and your feet jumping up over your head)
Keep your eyes up and look for the landing to bring yourself around.
ScootSkiLyfeId say steeper jump, nice soft landing, then throw your head super hard. focus on seeing where you're going to land and your feet will follow.
i don't mean to pick apart what you said, it's mostly true, but just for helpfulness's sake i want to mention that it seems like a lot of first flip crashes are because people think the head will do it all. it does work like you said, start looking for that landing and spot it and you'll naturally bring your landing gear around, but in terms of SETTING the flip, i think people miss that IT'S ALL IN THE HIPS. that's the operative part that needs to happen, all that weight down low needs to get flippin around so it's in the game when you spot the landing
you see so many fail videos where the upper body goes for a flip but the bottom doesn't follow. pop and send those hips and feet skyward and into the flip as you lean back and start looking for the landing
looks good although idk about "swing arms up," i feel like that doesn't help the rotation and you see people kinda get slowed down in the air cause their arms are up there. your arms are gonna go up but only insofar as they're next to your sides and those are going skyward along with your hips/thighs!
SofaKingSicklooks good although idk about "swing arms up," i feel like that doesn't help the rotation and you see people kinda get slowed down in the air cause their arms are up there. your arms are gonna go up but only insofar as they're next to your sides and those are going skyward along with your hips/thighs!
so forget about that part and focus mostly on my hips?
yeah. flex your core a little and get those hips going into the flip, that really is the big heavy part that needs to get going around, and backflips are great and natural because the jump helps send you flipping that way (especially if it's a steep lip!)
also rewatching your video (get it framed a little better next time so we can see the whole thing as you take off, haha) you look great until you hit the lip, then it looks like you kinda miss your pop and aren't getting that flip going around in time. then mid flip you're not looking for the landing (possibly because you sensed you were boned at that point). but make sure you pop big and skyward and get that thing going hard and look for that landing immediately. you'll feel it when you have your hips getting the move right and as that flip starts you should be pulling your feet up toward you like you do in a ton of skiing tricks and that helps get into a fast flipping ball shape to keep that flip going hard
that's a tough little jump you tried the flip on so as said, get something bigger and smoother and steeper. but it also helps you analyze what's happening cause on a jump that small you have no time to spare
SofaKingSicklooks good although idk about "swing arms up," i feel like that doesn't help the rotation and you see people kinda get slowed down in the air cause their arms are up there. your arms are gonna go up but only insofar as they're next to your sides and those are going skyward along with your hips/thighs!
Arms can def help a lit on smaller jumps. On a park jump size it doesnt matter you can lay it out easy. On something really small like a lot of people learn on i think it helps.
Your arms dont really get in the way you grab you bring your knees up to your arms and at that point youre already 2/3 of the way around almost and can spot your landing.
Sure you can jist swing your arms and not do snything else right and it wont make you flip, but backyard/sledding hill vibes stuff it absolutely helps.
I wouldn't say keeping them to the side is helpful either. If you aren't going to use them/on a jumo where you don't need them just let them move naturally. I wouldn't focus any energy on where your arms go if you dont use them to flip.
I don't see how your arms slow you down in any way. You pretty much can't do a flip off a rail take off sized jump without them. If it has enough pop you can drive your hips and ksy it out but thats riding more like a bigger jump.
theabortionatorArms can def help a lit on smaller jumps. On a park jump size it doesnt matter you can lay it out easy. On something really small like a lot of people learn on i think it helps.
Your arms dont really get in the way you grab you bring your knees up to your arms and at that point youre already 2/3 of the way around almost and can spot your landing.
Sure you can jist swing your arms and not do snything else right and it wont make you flip, but backyard/sledding hill vibes stuff it absolutely helps.
I wouldn't say keeping them to the side is helpful either. If you aren't going to use them/on a jumo where you don't need them just let them move naturally. I wouldn't focus any energy on where your arms go if you dont use them to flip.
I don't see how your arms slow you down in any way. You pretty much can't do a flip off a rail take off sized jump without them. If it has enough pop you can drive your hips and ksy it out but thats riding more like a bigger jump.
yeah i watched a couple videos of myself and i think i'll amend what i said... the arms can go up but at least personally on a flip my arms only go up as part of the pop
and when i mention it screwing people up i'm thinking of when people have their hands above their head mid flip and it's spreading things out, slowing em down
this good? i tried compiling all the advice into one note to look at before i try again
Im not gonna beat the dead horse, but Im going to throw in my 2 cents:
First, you are on your heels the entire time. Thats death right there. Gotta be centered as you are going up the lip. As you approach the lip, swing the hips forward and square the shoulders. After the pop, then look back and tuck if required.
Second, that jump is too small for a flip. If you can spin a 7, you have time for a flip. Also the landing is flatter than Saskatchewan. Give yourself a downslope for a landing. Prevent injuries by getting a decent setup.
Last, I dont recommend to continue trying backflips until you can land 360s easy on tabletops in a park. Or you have a jump 2x bigger with at least waist deep fresh pow. You are gonna hurt yourself if you keep going like this.
freestyler540Im not gonna beat the dead horse, but Im going to throw in my 2 cents:
First, you are on your heels the entire time. Thats death right there. Gotta be centered as you are going up the lip. As you approach the lip, swing the hips forward and square the shoulders. After the pop, then look back and tuck if required.
Second, that jump is too small for a flip. If you can spin a 7, you have time for a flip. Also the landing is flatter than Saskatchewan. Give yourself a downslope for a landing. Prevent injuries by getting a decent setup.
Last, I dont recommend to continue trying backflips until you can land 360s easy on tabletops in a park. Or you have a jump 2x bigger with at least waist deep fresh pow. You are gonna hurt yourself if you keep going like this.
i can 3 dude, i know the spot is too small its literally the first thing i said in the thread
SofaKingSicki don't mean to pick apart what you said, it's mostly true, but just for helpfulness's sake i want to mention that it seems like a lot of first flip crashes are because people think the head will do it all. it does work like you said, start looking for that landing and spot it and you'll naturally bring your landing gear around, but in terms of SETTING the flip, i think people miss that IT'S ALL IN THE HIPS. that's the operative part that needs to happen, all that weight down low needs to get flippin around so it's in the game when you spot the landing
you see so many fail videos where the upper body goes for a flip but the bottom doesn't follow. pop and send those hips and feet skyward and into the flip as you lean back and start looking for the landing
No you're good! I shouldn't really be giving tips as I can't do em. I'll take what you said though and use my hips if I ever try em again!
Classic “slinging a backflip”. You were on your heels the entire time. You leaned back into the backflip and not pop into the flip. So when you lean back, you center of rotation is now your knees; making you upper body carries more momentum then the lower… leading to an over rotation.
This screen cap shows my point
What to do? You have to swing the hips forward up as you pop. Dont lean back!
Pls stop recommending that people crank their head back to spot the landing. You should basically see your feet meet the horizon before moving your head straight.
freestyler540Classic “slinging a backflip”. You were on your heels the entire time. You leaned back into the backflip and not pop into the flip. So when you lean back, you center of rotation is now your knees; making you upper body carries more momentum then the lower… leading to an over rotation.
This screen cap shows my point
What to do? You have to swing the hips forward up as you pop. Dont lean back!
you are right butttt i didnt land on my head so i want to be happy for now and then get some advice next time i want to try it
freestyler540Classic “slinging a backflip”. You were on your heels the entire time. You leaned back into the backflip and not pop into the flip. So when you lean back, you center of rotation is now your knees; making you upper body carries more momentum then the lower… leading to an over rotation.
This screen cap shows my point
What to do? You have to swing the hips forward up as you pop. Dont lean back!
also the other two trys werent overrotations at all, caught tips instead
sullivanobrien_also the other two trys werent overrotations at all, caught tips instead
Under rotations is the opposite, you set the center of rotation around your chest causing the lower part to be too heavy.
Under rotation after cranking unnecessarily hard is because you pull your knees up before leaving the lip and leaning on the heels.
I don't want to over complicate this, you've made really solid progress! If you are over rotating them then you are learning how to set them hard. Now learn how to set them a little slower and more controlled. It takes time to get the set dialled, but you'll stomp one soon
jompcockPls stop recommending that people crank their head back to spot the landing. You should basically see your feet meet the horizon before moving your head straight.
Meh. Nobody is saying crank your head. But you def look for it. A lot of people that dont flip much don't get it snd that's the hardest part. A lot of people dont start rotating or stop rotating because of their head. That's just facts.
Hell yeah man! Almost rhere! Overrotating is super common when learning them snd even for a while after sometimes. The more confident you get youll be abke to lay them out more.
Even on more hucked ones like this you'll be able to feel it and open up and start landing them or bring them to your feet.