Replying to Shin Bang Reduction Mission
After 4 days of hard charging at kicking horse and a freeride comp in the mix my shins have been reduced to dust and Ive assessed that I need to make some boot changes. I have full tilt first chair 8s that I haven't had any shin bang issues with until recently. I think the issue is that the liners have packed out to the point that even with the buckles maxed out they are still not tight enough so shin bang occurs. To combat this I am going to buy shorter cables for the middle buckle aswell as buy a booster strap. I already have a aftermarket footbed.
I was wondering if anyone has some insight on any more ways to help with the bang
A specific question I have is if messing with the heel raisers in the boots would have a effect at all, I've just stuck with the default single raiser and not sure if taking it out or adding another one would change anything in terms of shin bang
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