Tdlr: the world is making excuses and it's not healthy.
Why is it acceptable to say being fat is OK? It's not. Being obese (or even overweight) puts you at risk for all sorts of diseases including heart attack, stroke, hypertension, high cholesterol, diabetes, cancer, infertility, the list is endless. It's absolutely infuriating. This is worse than the "it's okay to be not okay" slogan... wutttt does that even fucking mean. It's all fun and games til they tell you you're too fat to fit in the CT scanner and too fat to ride in the medical chopper to transfer you somewhere with a fat people CT scanner and they gotta delay care to wait for a plane to arrive.
The below screenshots are from USA Today and I've seen these stories for years. Well newsflash, we are breeding the most obese generation of children in the history of ever. Maybe it's natural selection working in mysterious ways? Covid sure is and that hit obese people especially hard.
I have no issues with people if they wanna be lazy and eat their bodyweight in bacon everyday but don't promote it like this is a good thing. It's not. Period. These types of attitudes only serve to validate the minds of those on the brink of forever laziness.
And in response to the garbage article below, yeah filters and photoshop are problems but to act like having a fit, in shape body is unachievable, is absolutely ridiculous. Walk into an airport or stroll down the sidewalk of a major city; there's 10's everywhere. I'm not talking fake ass photoshopped influencers, I am talking about actual people, actually in shape, actually hot. Your physical fitness is 100% made in the kitchen with some exercise sprinkled in. Some people have medical issues preventing them from being fit but that's an extreme minority. Sure some folks have a higher metabolism but that's not an excuse and neither is your thyroid. This is such a cop out to say it's not realistic. LOOK AROUND AND OPEN YOUR EYES. Half of chicks wear oh so revealing yoga pants these days everywhere; these "unachievable" body standards are actually achievable. I'm not talking about the stupid lip fillers or implants- just good old diet and exercise. The problem is most people don't even know how to do diet and exercise right when they are trying to look good. So then they say wahhh I worked out 5 hours a day and followed my Atkins or WW diet and still look the same. Well you're going it wrong.
How about rather than peddling this false narrative, how about we educate, motivate, and empower people to better their physical bodies. Mental health will come with good physical health, and if you still feel shitty looking good, then you'd feel the same way as a fatass but at least you'll have less problems now.

They should make obese individuals pay higher health insurance premiums. Why? Because for most, it is a choice. A choice that raises healthcare costs and more healthcare spending= higher premiums for all. So next time you can't afford health insurance, thank the obese man next door.