Sad, but there’s hope in the forecast!
**This thread was edited on Dec 2nd 2021 at 12:52:33am
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SmokedGoudaJeez, how fucking north did La Niña go? Doesn’t anyone remember when alyeska couldn’t even get snow to their base a few years back. Damn!
PeppermillRenoWhat is Alaska like Dec/Jan in terms of daylight?
Is there even enough to ski being that far north?
CaseyMt Baker just chilling up in the green zone Iike, see this is why we should be part of Canada wtf is this state even doing?!
mattytruany lower western skiers thinking about skiing game plans for 10-15-20 years down the line? just continue to send it in colorado/utah/tahoe and hope nothing changes too much?
CalumSKIsunshine has gotten over 3 feet in the past week, so there is still hope for us Canadians. also its forecasted for my local hill to get 25cms this Sunday which is a big W for east coast
mattytrui've seen predictions that show snowfall totals not changing too much on the northern east coast. northern vermont, new hampshire, maine, and quebec especially might continue to be viable ski options. at least compared to the drop off in snowfall the west is currently experiencing
MikeStreeterIts crazy how much the weather has been changing. When I went to Winter Park in August it snowed and was 40 degrees at Trestle.
EdudeI'm confused by what the 'current snow water equivalent (SWE) % of Normal' means? Is higher or lower percentages better? How is this measured?
EdudeI'm confused by what the 'current snow water equivalent (SWE) % of Normal' means? Is higher or lower percentages better? How is this measured?
brotoSWE is a measure of how much water is actually locked up in the snowpack. A super dense maritime snowpack will melt into more runoff than a lighter, fluffier, continental snowpack. It's basically measuring the weight of the snowpack as opposed to the thickness. Then that number is compared to the average number on the current date as recorded over decades prior. So higher is better. A 50% on that map indicates there is estimated to be half the snow water equivalent as usual in the watershed on that date.
eheathStorm coming next week, thank fuck. Its so warm and dry in utah, don't golf every december thats for sure.
Very much so a similar start as last year and 2017. People freaking out/saying this isn't normal need to relax, a dry/warm november isn't anything to worry about, but every bad year starts with a bad november. Hopefully this storm cycle starts rippin and we have a good december.
SmokedGoudaThis too. Good take!
ReturnToMonkeyClimate change isnt real
ReturnToMonkeyClimate change isnt real
ReturnToMonkeyThis was sarcastic ya kooks
Guess I shoulda added quotes
**This post was edited on Dec 2nd 2021 at 7:05:50pm