Lmao gotcha i aint got wets
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KCoCMUhh judging by those bindings i think youre looking for tetongravity.com
jk nice sticks bro those are sick
BraybladeI really liked the chronics as a downhill ski, how are they as a tele?
skiP.E.I.We need to see tele bindings on some vishnus
doubleblackjackYeah honestly the wet plus might be pretty dope for tele
regular wets would probably be too soft
KyguyyFreestyle tele skiers are a different breed, they shred so hard. Killington has a good amount of freestyle tele skiers who absolutely rip. Mad respect!
Chrischi69Those might not be wets but they got me wet
PimpChimpinYou get me wet
PimpChimpinYou get me wet
skiP.E.I.We need to see tele bindings on some vishnus
mrk127Is NTN a whole lot better than 75mm cable bindings? My tele park setup is 75mm but I'm on the hunt for some used NTN boots and bindings, I don't quite tele enough to justify brand new boots.
CatdickBojanglesSaw some kid on mindbenders mounted with teles send the cleanest blind 4 at Killington.
BLandzIdk tele skiing at all so I might be really dumb but this is a troll right? Like theres no way you can land switch on tele skis eh
BLandzIdk tele skiing at all so I might be really dumb but this is a troll right? Like theres no way you can land switch on tele skis eh
BLandzIdk tele skiing at all so I might be really dumb but this is a troll right? Like theres no way you can land switch on tele skis eh
BLandzIdk tele skiing at all so I might be really dumb but this is a troll right? Like theres no way you can land switch on tele skis eh
mrk127Is NTN a whole lot better than 75mm cable bindings? My tele park setup is 75mm but I'm on the hunt for some used NTN boots and bindings, I don't quite tele enough to justify brand new boots.
tomatonaterDude, I think your bindings are broken!
doubleblackjackI know! I think my heelpiece came off or something
jnorrmanIdk how I feel about teles on chronics, a lot of mixed emotions
jnorrmanIdk how I feel about teles on chronics, a lot of mixed emotions
doubleblackjackNah you just have to put some weight on your heels. Theres more spring resistance in NTN tele bindings than alpine skiers would think too