Replying to How Ski Crews Can Make Money While Still Releasing Free Content
So if you know me, you definitely know I love to pay for movies, and I know a lot of people still like to support dope crews financially. Now with the release of Most Gutter, I finally had an idea of an approach these crews could use to monetize their skiing while also releasing free content to watch.
I think people should start releasing movies for free on the internet, while also selling some like "bundles" online. These "bundles" can include like shirts, posters, DVD copies of the movie (With BTS stuff and some exclusive edits and scrapped footage). I think this way it's the best of both worlds, people get to watch their skiing for free, and the die-hard supporters can give them money in exchange for something cool.
This isn't a revolutionary idea, people have definitely though this or said this before, but I saw the picture somewhere on instagram of the Most Gutter movie poster and it was framed and my first thought was "I would literally pay for that". And I bet a lot of skiers would, it would probably sell out. Merch has never been my thing, but I did think it was cool when I preordered "Less" like 8 years ago and got a Tall t and a Poster.
Is there a reason crews don't already do this? Just thought it would be a cool concept and it's something I really appreciated back in the day when pre-ordering a movie got you cool bonus stuff.
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