Because when it comes to liberty and freedom, we dont seem to have as much as tom hanks character would want us to have.
For example, today In america:
-you dont own your body; the government does…violating this claim can get your house raided by the DEA and your dog shot.
-it is made very difficult for law abiding citizens to buy the firearms they want. Many people who either knowingly or unknowingly are in violation of the ridiculously complicated laws regarding firearms get their house raided by ATF agents. ATF agents, like DEA agents, are also notorious for shooting peoples dogs during house raids.
There seems to be an obsession in america with the idea of exorcizing guilt and purging evil, and it is so convoluted at this point that allowing cops and government agents to shoot peoples dogs seems to be part of the intimidation mechanism of the US government, used to scare and intimidate citizens the same way stalinist russia would have done.
Regarding the line tom hanks makes to matt damon in saving private ryan, i am not sure he would think america had earned the sacrifice of him and other american soldiers.
im not going to say that tom hanks in retrospect wouldve wanted germany to win, even though its possible that a would-be german empire would have treated dogs better than the american government.
But the idea that cops and government agents are icing about 10,000 innocent dogs/year during house raids…. Is sickening to me.
And yes i understand the view that the courts and judges and prosecutors would have. I can see their 65 iq logic as clear as day.
They would say,
“hurr durr, if you dindo nuffin illeagle den ur dog wuld stil be alive hurr hurr!!”
But when you have a 65 iq, you cant see the reality of the situation. The reality is that the dog was most likely innocent, even if the owner wasnt. And when it comes to animals that have above a certain level of cognition and a loving bond with a human, killing them is almost as bad as killing a person.
Many nonhuman animals are fully aware and fully on the scale of levels of consciousness. The idea that a DEA or ATF agent has that they can kill a persons friendly dog during a house raid for fun because they know the courts and judges will let them get away with it is so cancerous i cant believe it actually goes on in a country that wants to portray itself as the light of the world.
Like honestly, who in the literal fuck do you think you are kidding??
I dont know how many times i have to rewrite this thread.
if there is a problem with something i said here then please, be an adult and say what the problem is.