I'm going to be doing a bunch of travelling this winter with my boots, helmet, goggles, outerwear etc. I don't own a proper boot bag but I'm planning on buying one. The dilemma is that I may have to check my luggage some of the time. Are boot bags (backpack style) protective enough to be checked, or will the helmet get crushed?
Would any of these options work:
Dakine 50L backpack: https://www.corbetts.com/2021-dakine-50l-boot-pack/
Thule backpack: https://www.corbetts.com/2022-thule-roundtrip-55l-boot-backpack/
Dakine 75 liter: https://www.corbetts.com/2022-dakine-dlx-75l-boot-pack/
Would these all work, or does one of them stand out over the others. As long as it fits my helmet goggles and boots the size is fine. The big thing is will it be protective enough for being checked. Will the 55L and the 50 L fit as carryon's if I have the chance to? I want a backpack style one that i can take on runs to the local hill, but then also one that works for flying.