anders_aadjustment is not linear, its slow slow slow then bam huge notch,
Best way I've seen the AFD adjustment described is like ascending steps as opposed to a smooth ramp. If the AFD doesn't make it up to the next step, it will eventually drop down to the one below. Plus, it can be difficult to feel the click up to said next step without apply downward pressure while you're raising the AFD. The whole process is just awful from a user experience perspective.
Same goes for the forward pressure. The tech manual (at least the original one) says to align the backs of the metal and plastic housings so they're flush when a boot is inserted. That's all well and good, except there's also a little rectangle-shaped bump on the metal piece that is supposed to align with a set of arrows on the plastic. Neither of which are the same width, so there's a solid 2-3mm of play where you could look at that indicator and still think you're good to go. You end up having to adjust the FP by feel, and depending on the manufacturing tolerance and assembly of your specific set of bindings one, both, or none of the FP indicators will actually align properly.
It's all maddeningly imprecise for a binding this expensive.