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That’s from a Wall Street Journal article. My question is, how to we undermine this? If I saw people using fast passes, I’d just boo them. Think you can cut on a pow day? Get fucked, I’m going to heckle the fuck out of you.
-eREKTion-That’s from a Wall Street Journal article. My question is, how to we undermine this? If I saw people using fast passes, I’d just boo them. Think you can cut on a pow day? Get fucked, I’m going to heckle the fuck out of you.
Lol imagine some pawn sandwich brigader and his asshole kids and cunt wife doing this
There's a sucker born every minute.
Only holiday wealthy hellions gonna' pay that at Bachelor.
It's supposed to be a limited amount to be sold.
Really though, total BS.
Segragaiton through wealth. Same as it ever was.
symptom of a greater trend. the corpo goal for years has been to turn skiing from a sport into a slightly colder disney vacation. mtn owned lodging, safety patrol, heated gondolas w/ wifi etc etc... if you ski more than 7 days a year you are just an unfortunate expense to vail and friends.
TRVP_ANGELVery intimidating, i'm sure you will make a huge difference.
That’s not really the point. Hasn’t cutting lines always universally been one of the cardinal sins of skiing? Get a fucking Jerry chant going or something.
park city used to have fast tracks when it was owned by powdr corp, it was nice when the park was on payday and bonanza, they gave it to all the comp passes so a few of us could hop lap the shit outa crown or jonseys.
-eREKTion-That’s from a Wall Street Journal article. My question is, how to we undermine this? If I saw people using fast passes, I’d just boo them. Think you can cut on a pow day? Get fucked, I’m going to heckle the fuck out of you.
reminds me off fast passes at six flags. only time i ever got one it wasnt helpful because the lines were short anyways, never told my grandma bc she payed extra for them for no reason
sullivanobrien_reminds me off fast passes at six flags. only time i ever got one it wasnt helpful because the lines were short anyways, never told my grandma bc she payed extra for them for no reason
Yeah lol. Ammusment parks have been uaing them for over a decade and I'm surprised its taken this long for it to really start at ski resorts. I'm not a fan of them, just devalues the experience for those who don't pay an addition fee.
it’s funny you all don’t realize this is actually reducing the line cutting charge down to something the proletariat can bitch about. Traditionally the pretty fucking rich (but not rich enough to be at TYC) have just signed up for private lessons with the primary intent of cutting the lines. A few hundred extra a day isn’t much to have a better day on hill when your imported trophy wife is spending thousands in the village while you ski.
CaseyThey do this on I405 around here. The carpool lane is a toll lane you can pay extra to cut off thousands of people at rush hour
This is easily the best money I spend every month.
You know what will happen is everyone will pay the extra 50$ and wait in that line to get their 50$ worth wile the main line is empty and the locals just ski right on
Targhee runs an early tracks program (Pay $$ and start lapping like 45 min before actual opening), and they usually get heckled by salty locals. Its pretty nice to see, but nothing has changed.
cobra_commanderit’s funny you all don’t realize this is actually reducing the line cutting charge down to something the proletariat can bitch about. Traditionally the pretty fucking rich (but not rich enough to be at TYC) have just signed up for private lessons with the primary intent of cutting the lines. A few hundred extra a day isn’t much to have a better day on hill when your imported trophy wife is spending thousands in the village while you ski.
This is easily the best money I spend every month.
You don’t just sew a white plus into the back of your red jacket? Idk who those fucking guys are but they don’t wait for shit
I remember Northstar having something similar some years ago. Toss the lifties some beers and you'll be able to use it if it's anything similar to Northstar
In a alternate universe everybody in the regular lift lines team up to obliterate the fast track lane users with snowballs every time they enter the line.
junior1derfulIn a alternate universe everybody in the regular lift lines team up to obliterate the fast track lane users with snowballs every time they enter the line.
That was a basin on the 4th of July for every chair that wasn't a full load. Very effective.
What you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this thread is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
dmcdmcTime is money. No one should be surprised. Who cares? Is anyone bothered by people who fly business class?
cypherssymptom of a greater trend. the corpo goal for years has been to turn skiing from a sport into a slightly colder disney vacation. mtn owned lodging, safety patrol, heated gondolas w/ wifi etc etc... if you ski more than 7 days a year you are just an unfortunate expense to vail and friends.
Snowbird has had a line cutting season pass for several years. The $50 actually makes it easier for the middle class to get in on it, and make the rich guys wait in line with them.
If you hate it, ride outside the resort under your own steam. If not, you submit yourself to the resort and their rules.
Seems like a weird thing to get mad about though, in what scenario could this have a meaningful impact on the actual number of fresh turns to be acquired? If your turns are in that short supply I feel like it's time to find another hill or stop riding weekends like a standard bloke. Do you also get mad at the turns patrol/snowmaking/lift maintenance make while you're in the queue?