partyandBSi hear ya. I for sure do my research before casting a ballot. I read each local and state issue word for word and formulate my own opinions on it. I do this for maybe 3-4 hours and i feel confident that i know the issues better than a lot of people consumed in political banter year round.
when it comes to elected officials i like to look at their advertised stance as well as their voting history and fundraising donors to get a fuller picture of who they are. Again probably 3-4 hours of work down when i have my mail in ballot at home.
if theres something you are truly passionate about writ or call your representative. They wont care cause they are puppets for their donors but at least you can feel better about yourself.
Anything else is a waste of time. No one is convinced based off of a NS thread. Media is using this time to draw viewers in and absolutely divide the people which is why we are seeing more radical people. My point was live your life and stop feeding the media outlets that thrive on division and conflict.
If the majority of citizens voted for a potato or an actual populist for the people and not souless corporations, even if he won the popular vote and the Electorial college, which would never happen, congress could simply deny his/her election on the basis of national security and/or interal election policy rules. The revolution starts from creating new systems of change outside of the current political order.
>>>if theres something you are truly passionate about writ or call your representative. They wont care cause they are puppets for their donors but at least you can feel better about yourself.
I rememebr emailing around 15 reps in my state and 40 other officials on the use of public banks and only one, only one got back to me. If you are not scratching their backs, they are not going to scratch yours. Money talks. Again, this is why new decentralized, communitarian, and local based systems have to emerge to oppose the ever-increasing corruption of the current political order. This is what the public securtiy holders were afriad of. UNIFICATION!
If anyone knows anything about history, good old Freneau, the French illuminatus that the sounded the horn on the amalgamation of big bussiness with the US 'government' in the 18th century, informed the people of the steps in which agents were taking to destroy ACTUAL government of the people and for the people (meaning men as soverigns with allodial title to freely govern themselves), which Geroge Washington hated and claimed no men can govern himself alone. Frenaeu was able to sound the alarm on the desire for Hereditary monarchy, aristocracy, oligarchy and corportocracy. Read Frenaeu's warning. Despite it being over 200 years old, it is as if it was written for today.