Also the governor saying that he was going to eliminate all future rapes in response to not having a provision for rapes in the new bill.
I don't live in Texas or know that much about him but that seems pretty cooked to even say that.
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TRVP_ANGEL@keagan.karstens is literally 8'2"
r00kieDisclaimer: I am very much in the pro-life camp.
The pro-life movement claims to have good motives which I largely agree with, but their priorities to achieve them are pretty bad. Abortion is unfortunately not something that can be legislated away. Juat like guns and drugs, no matter what laws there are, people will still do it. So when people cheer on the passing of this law, I wonder what they are doing to help provide more positive solutions for the people facing the abortion decision. Are they fostering? Adopting? Providing meals, diapers, and babysitting for a single mom? Volunteering at a pregnancy center? Likely none of the above. The pro-life movement needs to be more focused on solutions like above and not electing people. Maybe one day there will be enough resources available where no one will feel they have to abort, which would be great, but until then there is a lot of work to be done.
mattytrubefore this turns to shit: the entire situation is absolutely cooked, dont live near there but feel bad for the residents and especially the women
mattytrubefore this turns to shit: the entire situation is absolutely cooked, dont live near there but feel bad for the residents and especially the women
theabortionatorYeah, the worst part about it is that people care so much about life until the baby is born and then the baby, and the mom are on their own in there eyes after that. At least for a lot of people including my parents and a lot of the churches I grew up in.
I personally don't have a problem with abortions but I def agree at the very least their needs to be more resources.
Also in a lot of places planned parenthood is the only option for a lot of womens health. They closed the one down where my friend lives in Indiana after so much protesting and the place literally didn't even offer abortions. Also a lot of pro life people are on the side that thinks having health insurance is bad for people.
Idk. I get it but I don't see the love sometimes. My dad is one of those christians that thinks people who bomb abortion clinics are awesome people.
r00kieDisclaimer: I am very much in the pro-life camp.
The pro-life movement claims to have good motives which I largely agree with, but their priorities to achieve them are pretty bad. Abortion is unfortunately not something that can be legislated away. Juat like guns and drugs, no matter what laws there are, people will still do it. So when people cheer on the passing of this law, I wonder what they are doing to help provide more positive solutions for the people facing the abortion decision. Are they fostering? Adopting? Providing meals, diapers, and babysitting for a single mom? Volunteering at a pregnancy center? Likely none of the above. The pro-life movement needs to be more focused on solutions like above and not electing people. Maybe one day there will be enough resources available where no one will feel they have to abort, which would be great, but until then there is a lot of work to be done.
skiermanRepublicans ignoring science and common sense by creating horrendous and dangerous legal precedent in order to enforce their religious beliefs onto other people?
I'm shocked because Republicans masturbate to the Constitution. Its not like they openly attack the justice system, democracy, separation of church and state, the 1st Amendment, etc. when it doesn't go their way. This is so unlike them!
r00kieDisclaimer: I am very much in the pro-life camp.
The pro-life movement claims to have good motives which I largely agree with, but their priorities to achieve them are pretty bad. Abortion is unfortunately not something that can be legislated away. Juat like guns and drugs, no matter what laws there are, people will still do it. So when people cheer on the passing of this law, I wonder what they are doing to help provide more positive solutions for the people facing the abortion decision. Are they fostering? Adopting? Providing meals, diapers, and babysitting for a single mom? Volunteering at a pregnancy center? Likely none of the above. The pro-life movement needs to be more focused on solutions like above and not electing people. Maybe one day there will be enough resources available where no one will feel they have to abort, which would be great, but until then there is a lot of work to be done.
r00kieDisclaimer: I am very much in the pro-life camp.
The pro-life movement claims to have good motives which I largely agree with, but their priorities to achieve them are pretty bad. Abortion is unfortunately not something that can be legislated away. Juat like guns and drugs, no matter what laws there are, people will still do it. So when people cheer on the passing of this law, I wonder what they are doing to help provide more positive solutions for the people facing the abortion decision. Are they fostering? Adopting? Providing meals, diapers, and babysitting for a single mom? Volunteering at a pregnancy center? Likely none of the above. The pro-life movement needs to be more focused on solutions like above and not electing people. Maybe one day there will be enough resources available where no one will feel they have to abort, which would be great, but until then there is a lot of work to be done.
BradFiAusNzCoCaI just want to say thank you for being honest. I’ve got a lot more respect for people like you who bare it all. While I may not agree with your beliefs, I do agree with the point you made about how they’re not doing anything to back up the pro-life policy as far as resources go
r00kieAppreciate the response dude. Glad to see there are some adults in the room.
BrandoComandoI firmly believe that states shouldn't be able to deny human rights. This belief exists beyond my political leanings. I predict that one of the many lawsuits against this Texas law will be picked up by the Supreme Court and the Justices can give this issue proper attention.
MiIfHunterAdults are not men that hide behind a bible and try to make decisions on behalf of women’s bodies. Men have no fucking right to comment on abortion issues. Plain and simple
.frenchythey shoulda made an exception for rape/incest abortions
skiermanNice, party brah. No exceptions for rape or incest and it turns citizens against each other for financial gain.
This is yet another example of how the GOP is filled with psychos who are willing to destroy America for their personal gain.
.frenchysame can easily said about both parties sadly.
dont have unprotected sex if you cant handle having a child, its called being responsible!
MiIfHunterNot everyone can afford a condom!
JAHBRADORAren’t them shits free at planned parenthood or whatever the fuck it’s called?
MiIfHunterNot everyone can get to a planned parenthood. It could be far away from where you live
MiIfHunterAlso sumtimes it’s not “sexy” to wear a condom
JAHBRADORAren’t them shits free at planned parenthood or whatever the fuck it’s called?
.frenchysame can easily said about both parties sadly.
dont have unprotected sex if you cant handle having a child, its called being responsible!
theabortionatorI gave a friend a bunch in Indiana a few years ago. Mentioned planned parenthood and hers had gotten shut down even though they didn't do abortions there.
But yeah the free condom thing is pretty sweet. Also weird that a lot of people against abortion also are against people having access to free condoms.
I get it, don't have sex till you're married or God will burn you in hell but still.
JAHBRADORI’m down for premarital sex cuz God do be sounding kinda kinky tho.
JAHBRADORI’m down for premarital sex cuz God do be sounding kinda kinky tho.
skiermanJust to enlighten you fucktarded Republicans about what this law means.
Sparknotes: If the Supreme Court which is a majority of hardline, religious assholes who hate abortion thanks to a Republican senate doing dirty shit and Trump, allow this ban to go into place, it gives legal precedent for any state to ignore any previous federal law. Those harmed by these laws cannot sue the state, governor or legislative body to stop it. That means no more federal oversight for any part of the Constitution on any U.S. state, even your 2A rights, it gives complete unchecked power to each state eliminating the U.S. altogether, you fucking idiots.
Remind me again what oath you assholes took while joining the armed services or public service? This is fucking madness.
r00kieTrust me guys, my YouTube lawyer said so. The Constitution no longer matters!