Thinking about attempting to ski every month for a yr starting now. As a part of this I’d like to spend next summer (about 3 months) in South America. The idea just popped in my head on a mountain bike ride today so I haven’t given it much thought or any research. Any info/experience yall are willing to share would be helpful.
Such as:
-When is the “prime“ of the season? (most consistent snow)
-Where is the best snow?
-Where is the best lift accessed “big mountain” skiing? (Cliffs, chutes, and steeps)
-Where is the best park?
-Which is the best all around mountain? (Park, big mountain, good snow)
-Where can I have good access to skiing and mountain biking?
-Is there any skiing semi close to the ocean?
-Where will I have the best experience off the mountain? (I’m a fluent Spanish speaker, like to eat good food, see the sights, meet new people, play some pick up soccer, etc)
- Do I need a visa? (I have American and Spanish passports and would like to work part time, preferably somewhere that will provide me a ski pass)
-What kind of work might I be able to get?
-Advice on finding a place to stay
-Cost of Living?
-Do I need a car?
-Any cities with large resorts nearby? (Similar to slc)
-Im sure there’s a ton of stuff I’m not thinking of
Thank u!
**This thread was edited on Aug 12th 2021 at 12:45:59am
**This thread was edited on Aug 12th 2021 at 12:47:09am