This is a serious thread. With the Tram Club being closed down at Snowbird, the last semblance of local culture is being removed. We are increasingly concerned about our ability to park at the bypass road which is where tailgates and après outside of the Tram Club has been occurring as long as I can remember. Fortunately as locals, we do wield some power with our season pass purchases, which contribute to a significant amount of revenue. I understand the industry is shifting further and further to cater towards tourists flying in and staying at the lodges, but as I understand it the revenue from season pass purchases is crucial to continuing summer operations. Obviously, you could say, "jUsT dOn'T bUy A pAsS." but I love the terrain and the culture at my home mountain as does everyone at theirs.
What I'm wondering about is how locals have banded together previously to be able to influence decision making at local mountains. Personally, I send emails to the GM at Snowbird, although I'd imagine all the real decisions are made by POWDR CORP, which owns snowbird. What is the most effective way you've seen locals leverage power around ski areas you frequent?