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Be prepared for very early mornings, long days, and really not fantastic work to compensation ratios. Doing a demo as like, a helper to the rep isn’t the same as being that dude/girl. You gotta be there 3-4 hours before the thing starts, you gotta pitch a tent, unload skis/gear, display all of that shit, and gas your product all day to people who may or not be assholes. Then, once you’re done, you get to pack it up and drive all the way home! Not to mention if you’re a GOOD rep (emphasis because very few of them are), you have to constantly visit your accounts. You need to make them feel that their investment in the brand you’re working for is worth it. I worked at a shop that dropped 3 brands in one year because the reps were absolute dogshit, and we couldn’t communicate with the brand when things went wrong. You have to KNOW your product, and not only do you have to pay attention to your existing accounts, you have to be able to pitch it to new accounts. It’s extremely exhausting work and really, until you’re very well established in the industry, you’re sort of a lap dog.
Not to be a negative Nancy, I just have some experience with this and wanted to make a career of it so I did a LOT of research. So if you really want to take the job, you need to be motivated, extremely patient, and extremely prepared for 12, 14, even 16 hour days sometimes. If you can do that, there is a shit ton of room for growth within the ski industry, and a metric fuck ton of opportunities to network within the industry. Keep us updated mane!