SavageBiffHow you feel about riding pivot or jester 18 close to the bottom of their din? I lost about 30lbs last year so there’s possibly no need for me to be at 11+ din but I keep my jesters at 11 bc I don’t wanna bottom out, don’t wanna check spring for movement from vibration everyday, spent whole last season shredding with possibly overly selected din, but there were no problems when I wreck I’m going 70 shit comes off just fine lol
ugh dude i know, this is kinda like how i mentioned above that the metal toe does have upward release, because lots of people think it doesn't, it's a common misconception/argument
but i still don't have a definitive answer on the "don't use the very bottom or top of your binding's din range" thing, ive heard lots of very knowledgeable people claim it both ways. for what it's worth, if i had to guess, it's fine... it's a high quality engineered product and i think it seems a bit unlikely that they're shipping thousands of pairs of bindings every year, each with 2 din settings that can't be safely used. so if i were in your position i'd probably just go ahead and use the setting i initially wanted to (shrug)