For me its because he has this total cult following that will always defend everything he does, says, or anything else... Like... to the point where they will talk shit about NASA because Space X is their favourite space-sports team or something weird.
Like, how dare you criticize the pybertruck or whatever its called, even though it looks like some guy in Tennessee got his hands on some extra sheet metal and decided to slap it onto the side of his 1996 isuzu for 'armor' or something lol.
I mean, I appreciate that hes normalized things like electric vehicles with the growth of Tesla, but on the flip side, he has made them into drive-able iphones, where youre not allowed to do your own repairs on your own car without Tesla sending lawyers at you so they can overcharge you for a replacement tail-light
Like, theres some dude who does Tesla repair videos on youtube because he loves them, but Tesla keeps sending him cease and desists because they want full control over the parts and repair costs so they can charge you whatever they want... Thats some really weird shit