LonelyBut I mean, from a purely consequentialist outlook, religion has been pretty bad right? Doesn't really matter what religion, some tend to be less damaging than others, but from a historical standpoint, ignoring natural disasters, a large part of historical conflict, and even modern conflict has been a result of religion, not athiesm or non belief in A GOD. It is Moreso conflict as a result of just believing in the wrong god.
This is coming from someone who is not an athiest.
LonelyEspecially when you consider the fact that nonbelief, in a handful of religions, is a crime punishable by death. So I have a very hard time equating something like atheism, that is simply non-belief, with certain religions, where nonbelief is punishable by death or eternal suffering within the text.
I have a hard time choosing the words for what I am thinking, but here it goes. Please bear with me, I think I agree for the most part however -
Deep down, I believe we all understand how truly insignificant and meaningless our existence is. In the grand scheme of things, it doesn't matter what we do or why we do it, and that idea is either freeing or completely debilitating. We're just hurtling through space on a rock in a meatsuit that hurts, pisses and shits, gets hungry, gets sick, and eventually dies. Overwhelming, however, humans find meaning in life to endure the hardships to which they experience.
When one fanatically worships a diety in a religion, that is their meaning for life. This meaning takes precedence over anything else, perhaps even their own well being or other human's lives. The slaves who built ancient cities and tombs, the literal human sacrifices and the holy wars were done not out of fear of another man, but a fear of losing meaning, that the 'diety's' would turn their backs on them on not reward them with what frivolous items they desire.
I am NOT saying that this is a good thing.
What I AM saying is that it is no surprise that in the past people have done horiffic things in the name of the meaning, or the 'why things are' of their lives, because often times the alternative nihilism is too bleak to handle. These people who commit atrocities in the name of their beliefs literally can't imagine an existence without them.
It doesn't have to be my skyman is better than your skyman. It can be the idea of worshiping a system of capital vs communal sharing, or perhaps we believe our systems are better suited with your resources than you are, things of that sort. interestingly enough, leaders of these belief systems are often heralded and defended as if they are deities. Hell, even in the microcosm of NS skierman feels compelled by whatever beliefs to say horrible things, and he even has a small following!
I guess what I'm getting at is that if you are living, you are making a conscious effort to do so. There is something pushing you along. You may not believe in a 'god' of sorts however you believe something enough to keep living. I just don't really know the difference between those things, I guess.
I feel like you're a smart guy and I enjoy your insight so I look forward to what you think