CrunnchyVanManYea this is a fair argument, but both the left and the right are contradictory as fuck though. they operate on the same basic platform and all politicians on either side are either crooks or war criminals, or both. The idea that the left and right are different and are warring against each other is some dumbass cable news shit, they are all the same, maybe different takes on a couple issues but they all don't give a 5th of a shit about human beings
the politicians/news anchors that are on the right are usually more honest than the ones on the left. In 2021 in order to truly and honestly believe that a centrally planned socialistic nation could be prosperous you have to literally be of subhuman intelligence like AOC or maxine waters.
There are plenty of ppl ready to fill the niche of democratic politician/news anchor for the same reason there are always going to be more mexicans willing to step up after their boss (like Guzman) gets arrested or killed and resume trafficking drugs across the border to feed demand. As long as there is demand for drugs, there will be cartel members there to meet that demand. Economics depends on psychology, and psychology depends on forces of nature. You dont try to fight forces of nature, you will always lose against them. You learn to get out of their way and accommodate them/work with them.
And just like the cartels are always going to be there supplying drugs, democratic politicians/news anchors are always going to be there to satisfy the demand for gibs and entitlements. Many people think that the only way ppl get rich is by fucking over poor people and we should tax the rich at 95% and give it all to the poor for free. The avg democrat caters to this false belief among their constituents/voters.
the democratic politicians/news anchors dont necessarily believe in the socialist cause, just like a cartel member doesnt necessarily enjoy murdering people; its just part of the job, take it or leave it.
democrats are usually smart enough to know that over time socialism will make a country lose its competitive edge in the world and cease being a world power. But they play along and tell the socialist idiots what they want to hear (i.e. socialism can work etc...)
You can look at what happened during the french revolution. France used to be very advanced and produce good products. But then the subhuman madame defarges took over and executed all the smart ppl and french engineering has absolutely sucked shit since then.
Apparently the gun the french designed for ww2 was such a piece of shit the only use for it was to tie a white flag to it so they could surrender to the germans.
Digressing, the democrats usually arent so stupid they actually believe the shit they feed to the socialist subhumans in america; they know socialism wont work, but they also know they are not impressive enough or likable enough to win an election as a republican. If you polled democratic politicians/news anchors there would probably be 9/10 of them saying they wish they couldve run as a republican because in their heart they know a libertarian society is fair and will produce the most wealth for the most people through efficiency. But these democrats are forced to swallow their pride and pretend that they actually believe the shit they say, otherwise they will be voted out of office.
its not hard for libertarians like john stossel to be honest. Stossel has a religious devotion to reason, and libertarianism is by definition the pragmatic pursuit of reasonable policies that maximize the comprehensive wellbeing of the society. Not only rich ppl benefit from libertarianism. Everybody benefits from efficiency.
Imagine we simplified the government and legal system so much that 9/10 lawyers and government employees quit gheir jobs and went to build mansions for people or do research to find a cure for cancer. Pretty soon everybody will find themselves living in a beautiful mansion, and their kids cancer cured completely.
i would say also that tucker says what he believes in most of the time as well. As an example, he is very libertarian about criminal justice reform and wanting to end the drug war, so he shies away from talking about these subjects too often. Alot of the ppl who watch tucker are very anti-drug and pro-punishment. Tucker could get better ratings by verbally crucifying drug dealers but he doesnt because his audience is reasonable enough to let tucker say what he believes in. I wont say that tucker completely ignores the proclivities of his audience but for the most part he is a very free soul.
i cant imagine how horrible it would be to be a democrat who has to lie every day in order to make a living. That would fucking blow.
asparagusBoth sides are stupid, liberals need to stop banning irrelevant stuff on guns to appease their followers and conservatives need to stop making fun of the liberals' gun control methods and do something about it themselves. Of course this won't happen because neither side would gain anything in the short term by working together and genuinely trying to solve gun violence.
Gun violence for the most part is not a problem in america. If you subtract inner city minority gun violence from the equation, the actual amount of gun violence that occurs every year is comparable to gun friendly countries in europe that have very low gun homicide rates.
Norway had that gunman kill fucking 85 school kids on that island in 2011. Norway is a very peaceful place on avg with almost zero gun violence. But im mentioning this because you cant point to america and be character assasinating white gun owners as if they are on their way to orchestrating school massacres. Its just not true. We have mental health issues in america just like any country. Banning assault rifles isnt going to do shit. The sandy hook shooter couldve strapped 10 pistols to himself and killed just as many or more children in the school.
the point is, better background checks and treatment of mental illness will reduce the amount of shootings like this more than banning semi auto rifles will.