if you like park skiing and dislike the direction of your resorts parks, the worst thing you can do is become a social media warrior. If you put your resort on blast publicly in the comment section, they hate you. If you left and went to a different resort and complained publicly over there, that’s a blessing to the resort that you left.
So here’s how to actually make a difference. Just about every resort sends out feedback surveys after your visit. These scores effect people’s pay checks and their action plan moving forward. So if you answer with a well articulated response on how you would envision the best experience involving a variety of features that are maintained and switched out regularly etc. it will be seen and have an impact.
a huge decline in parks is due to the fact that the families on vacation are taking more surveys than the ski bums and park rats. Look in your inbox look in your junk folder and formulate an argument as to why we need more and better parks. The value and the money is there so let’s get it!!