iFlipOh yeah? What do you call it when you ski backward? Normal people call if backward. Obsessed people call it switch.
Your argument sucks.
yea but that's a specific thing within skiing. of course people use proper words for specific things.
but skiing in general is just skiing.
and the thing is, normal people don't even know what switch means in the context of skiing. which is why they call it backward. but normal people DO know that film means movie, but they still use the word movie. normal people DO know that firearm means gun, but they still use the word gun.
and impressing girls is pretty much the only reason to ski switch, and if you use the word switch then they know you are probably a real skier and not a poser cause a poser would just say backwards.
did you ever ski switch and then ask a girl out and she said no? I bet not, cause no girl will ever turn you down if you ski switch.