DolansLebensraum>calling right wingers kids
>doesnt accept the correlation between the national avg iq of a country and the intellectual and economic output of people from that country.
n korean and japanese avg iq is around 108-110. Those 2 tiny countries produce some of the best technology in the world. Hmm its almost as if 2+2=4 here, but im skeptical, so im gonna say 2+2=racist tiger moms. Aaaah.... that feels much better :)
And without going into african american iq stats (i can if you want me to) i will just say with regard to ethnic regions of sub saharan africa that had very primitive societies that had yet to invent the wheel or bow and arrow when euro colonists landed there hundreds of years ago, to expect there to have been as much selection pressure towards higher intelligence in these regions for the last 20,000+ yrs like there was in europe during the same period is a completely irrational expectation and anybody with significant intelligence who tries to sell themselves as sincerely believing this are lying out of their fucking faces.
In europe during these times, if you could build structures and bridges and houses and buildings you were rewarded, and you might have 10 wives and 40 kids. If you were good at anatomy and could save ppls lives, you were rewarded, and you might have 10 wives and 40 kids. If you were in general capable in succeeding in a meritocratic society, you were rewarded, and you might have 10 wives and 40 kids.
Just like over thousands of yrs of dog domestication and breeding, some breeds (border collies, golden retrievers) are smarter than other dog breeds. Selectively allowing certain dogs to reproduce and blocking the reproduction of other dogs creates an intense selection pressure. It can go either way tho. You can breed dumber and dumber dogs if you want, or high endurance dogs that have warm enough fur to sleep on snow when the temperature is -20F like huskies or alaskan malamutes.
Its completely irrational to expect different paths of proto humans to all happen to end up today with the same avg intelligences.
just like nobody would expect all human ethnicities today to have the same avg height.
As an example, some ethnic groups have an avg height of under 5 feet tall. And others have an avg height of 6 foot 1.
its not about racism. Its just a fact of life.
And if you are wondering why i dont feel guilty about sharing this info, you gotta realize that the woke movement is very malicious towards innocent people. It claims that white ppl are holding blacks and hispanics down and keeping them poor through racism and racist policies. For every reaction there is a reaction. So for every time i hear somebody say “white kids are not innocent” im going to slam home the reality that white ppl are innocent, as machiavellianly as is needed to get the job done.
Also, being on the lower end of society in america is pretty privileged compared to most of the rest of the worlds population. 2 weeks worth of welfare/free gov aid is more than most of the earths human population makes in a year. A little bit less envy and a little bit more gratitude could go a long way.
America is one of the fairest economic systems there gmhve ever been in the world. The true greed is not of innocent white ppl. The true greed stems from envy and a sense of entitled victimhood that is so rife in america; the view that you should always look to blame others for your own misfortune.
its the same degenerate copout as throwing a drug dealer in jail for 20 yrs bc their idiot customer got too greedy in their euphoria expectation of the drugs they were taking.
america is all about shifting the blame to somebody else.
First, you're assuming that IQ tests are an accurate measure of intelligence. There are a lot of studies out there that suggest that they are not.
Secondly, regarding IQ and economic output, correlation does not imply causation. If you look at which countries have been colonized vs which countries did the colonizing, the same pattern emerges. To me, it seems quite obvious that the comparatively lower economic output of African countries has more to do with the fact that they were all subject to colonialism, rather that your pseudoscientific explanation that African people are inherently dumber than Europeans.
I think your claim about Africa being primitive when the Europeans arrived is oversimplifying things. Have u ever heard of the Mali Empire? medieval west African empire, incredibly wealthy.
Your claim about medieval europe is pretty funny. The reality is that most Europeans were peasants and serfs with very little chance for advancement where they could be rewarded for being smart. the idea of medieval europe being a meritocratic society is laughable.
i do agree that in a lot of ways America is relatively privileged compared to some other countries. But just because things are generally good enough doesn't mean people can't strive for them to be better. Accusing everyone who believes this to be a deranged woke leftist is not very constructive in my opinion.
Also, i might have misinterpreted some of the things u said, so please correct me if that's the case.
DolansLebensraummost ppl in america are very far from racist.
And calling non racists racists is not going to lower the amount of racism, its going to increase it.
i'm not going to call u a racist, but what u said earlier in your feeble attempt to impersonate a Black person ("shieet", "cracka", etc) was racist.