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My health teacher tried telling us cigarettes are less dangerous than smoking weed in an effort to scare a bunch of high schoolers into not trying to smoke cause it’ll be easier to get
WoFlowzMy health teacher tried telling us cigarettes are less dangerous than smoking weed in an effort to scare a bunch of high schoolers into not trying to smoke cause it’ll be easier to get
They should be fired.
But fuck yeah op. NY going rec will definitely light a fire under other east coast states and I'm sure my state of Ohio.
NY homie here. Definitely stoked on this but there are some downsides if I'm being honest. That said, I can't wait to partake in some legal festivities.
WoFlowzMy health teacher tried telling us cigarettes are less dangerous than smoking weed in an effort to scare a bunch of high schoolers into not trying to smoke cause it’ll be easier to get
little does he know all of his students will be addicted to moles and spliffs when they get to college
health teachers r the worst everyone is just tryna feel a rush let em be
But fuck yeah op. NY going rec will definitely light a fire under other east coast states and I'm sure my state of Ohio.
yea hopefully. thinking mass legalizing showed NY just how much tax $$ they were missing out on, and NY didn't miss an opportunity if they can squeeze more money out of u
also kinda think Cuomo is trying to save his ass
either way (or whatever combo caused it) it was a long time coming and hopefully surrounding states follow suit
also interested to see how the market develops seeing NY didn't have the most robust medical system
MinggNY homie here. Definitely stoked on this but there are some downsides if I'm being honest. That said, I can't wait to partake in some legal festivities.
like what? just curious bc when it went down in Maine bud/life got so much better
MinggNY homie here. Definitely stoked on this but there are some downsides if I'm being honest. That said, I can't wait to partake in some legal festivities.
Brule.Just ate half of a 300mg edible. Celebrating all through the evening by getting extremely zooted. Cheers to all the fellow NY ns’ers.
up to 3 zips of tree and 24 g of concentrates. that second part surprised me.
six plants + 2 mature.
rec sales expected to take a year and a half plus
according to my buddy whos in the industry its gonna be taxed at 40% which is ridiculous but doesn't surprise me from NY. no idea if that number is actually true or not
MinggNY homie here. Definitely stoked on this but there are some downsides if I'm being honest. That said, I can't wait to partake in some legal festivities.
LJboilike what? just curious bc when it went down in Maine bud/life got so much better
not sure what mingg is thinking of will let her speak on it
I could see more people driving high for sure. don't really buy that "it will be easier for teens to smoke" bc its dumb easy to find weed everywhere at this point, don't think legalization will change that
my biggest worry is the tax revenue is gonna be wasted/used on the wrong things, but that wouldn't be anything new
HypeBeastNY going rec will definitely light a fire under other east coast states and I'm sure my state of Ohio.
Damn, if only Michigan and Illinois's recent rec legalization plus Minnesota's decriminalization woulda lit the fire for Wisco, we are still in the dark ages over here
CrunnchyVanManDamn, if only Michigan and Illinois's recent rec legalization plus Minnesota's decriminalization woulda lit the fire for Wisco, we are still in the dark ages over here
Fingers optimistically crossed but I'd expect some sort of legislation at the federal level to deschedule cannabis as well and more and more states going rec at a faster pace now. They're gonna be pressured by lost tax revenue to adjacent states in addition to all the race stuff right now since marijuana arrests are disproportionate. If you're in a hardcore red state, you'll probably be last although SD was a surprise.
HypeBeastFingers optimistically crossed but I'd expect some sort of legislation at the federal level to deschedule cannabis as well and more and more states going rec at a faster pace now. They're gonna be pressured by lost tax revenue to adjacent states in addition to all the race stuff right now since marijuana arrests are disproportionate. If you're in a hardcore red state, you'll probably be last although SD was a surprise.
True, WI isn't even too hardcore of a red state, its fairly progressive for what its worth, I guess not enough though. I was talking to some old dude once and he said that before mass prohibition Wisconsin was one of the top hemp crop states, so you think they might be a bit more open to it
CrunnchyVanManTrue, WI isn't even too hardcore of a red state, its fairly progressive for what its worth, I guess not enough though. I was talking to some old dude once and he said that before mass prohibition Wisconsin was one of the top hemp crop states, so you think they might be a bit more open to it
Nah I would consider Wisconsin like Ohio in terms of politics but I'm surprised to see that WI is lagging behind the nation so bad for marijuana reform.
Also I'm hoping that this will speed up across the country. It's so annoying when they pass laws and it takes years for them to enact the processes. Like it takes time but not that long.
Big bold bets. Quote me in 2 years to see if came true:
-RI, CT, and PA next in East to go. Then will continue in a line west through battleground and blue states. Ohio, Wisconsin, and maybe Indiana.
-Cannabis will be descheduled by end of 2021. There's already another bill congress is working on regarding this. Considering the political dynamic in congress I think this is highly possible, even by end of summer. This may or may not come with reform for "dRuG FrEE wORkpLace". It will be easier to gather bipartisan support if they don't change employer rights.
-Federal legalization is going to lag behind. Anyone's guess when it will happen but inevitable by 2030. Hoping in next 2-5 but who knows. The US is going to feel pressure for commerce and tax revenue as more and more countries go rec legal. Both Mexico and Canada are now rec legal.
HypeBeastNah I would consider Wisconsin like Ohio in terms of politics but I'm surprised to see that WI is lagging behind the nation so bad for marijuana reform.
Also I'm hoping that this will speed up across the country. It's so annoying when they pass laws and it takes years for them to enact the processes. Like it takes time but not that long.
Big bold bets. Quote me in 2 years to see if came true:
-RI, CT, and PA next in East to go. Then will continue in a line west through battleground and blue states. Ohio, Wisconsin, and maybe Indiana.
-Cannabis will be descheduled by end of 2021. There's already another bill congress is working on regarding this. Considering the political dynamic in congress I think this is highly possible, even by end of summer. This may or may not come with reform for "dRuG FrEE wORkpLace". It will be easier to gather bipartisan support if they don't change employer rights.
-Federal legalization is going to lag behind. Anyone's guess when it will happen but inevitable by 2030. Hoping in next 2-5 but who knows. The US is going to feel pressure for commerce and tax revenue as more and more countries go rec legal. Both Mexico and Canada are now rec legal.
MinggNY homie here. Definitely stoked on this but there are some downsides if I'm being honest. That said, I can't wait to partake in some legal festivities.
Do explain.
Also stoked it's being paired woth SOME record expungement.
It sucks that money is what's finally fuelling the change but at least it's happening.
I remember people arguing that it was going to get legalized nationwide 08-2010 ish. I was like yo dawg 15 to 20 years for sure.
Idk progress is painfully slow but at least we're progressing.
Next step legalize weed and mushrooms nationwide and decriminalize all other drugs for possession. That should have happened a long time ago but at least we're getting there.
Props again to Oregon for taking the leap on that this year.
Also NY born and raised. Haven't lived there for years but i grew up skiing and riding all the shitty mtns and night skiing. Love NY even the shitty parts.
theabortionatorAlso NY born and raised. Haven't lived there for years but i grew up skiing and riding all the shitty mtns and night skiing. Love NY even the shitty parts.
you're from Albany right? les hammer some beers if you ever come back
HypeBeastNah I would consider Wisconsin like Ohio in terms of politics but I'm surprised to see that WI is lagging behind the nation so bad for marijuana reform.
Also I'm hoping that this will speed up across the country. It's so annoying when they pass laws and it takes years for them to enact the processes. Like it takes time but not that long.
Big bold bets. Quote me in 2 years to see if came true:
-RI, CT, and PA next in East to go. Then will continue in a line west through battleground and blue states. Ohio, Wisconsin, and maybe Indiana.
-Cannabis will be descheduled by end of 2021. There's already another bill congress is working on regarding this. Considering the political dynamic in congress I think this is highly possible, even by end of summer. This may or may not come with reform for "dRuG FrEE wORkpLace". It will be easier to gather bipartisan support if they don't change employer rights.
-Federal legalization is going to lag behind. Anyone's guess when it will happen but inevitable by 2030. Hoping in next 2-5 but who knows. The US is going to feel pressure for commerce and tax revenue as more and more countries go rec legal. Both Mexico and Canada are now rec legal.
I could see CT doing it very soon. doubt PA will happen in the next two years but who knows. don't know the politics of RI whatsoever so can't speak on it
as for the rest of it, that's pretty optimistic. would love to see it all happen that soon tho
HypeBeast-Cannabis will be descheduled by end of 2021. There's already another bill congress is working on regarding this. Considering the political dynamic in congress I think this is highly possible, even by end of summer. This may or may not come with reform for "dRuG FrEE wORkpLace". It will be easier to gather bipartisan support if they don't change employer rights.
-Federal legalization is going to lag behind. Anyone's guess when it will happen but inevitable by 2030. Hoping in next 2-5 but who knows. The US is going to feel pressure for commerce and tax revenue as more and more countries go rec legal. Both Mexico and Canada are now rec legal.
Wait, does this mean that you think it will be decriminalized way before it's actually regulated and taxed? I have a really hard time believing that - regulation and taxation is the only reason why Alaska finally "legalized" commercial cannabis, but cannabis is still a schedule IV controlled substance in Alaska statute (as well as most other regulated states). Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
Cheers to NY! Hopefully the tax money is used wisely. NY's will be a sales tax, right?
Speculator (aka middle of nowhere) but was in and around albany all the time for things.
Also not scared of crushing some beers.
To thread, did anybody see gore made it on park crew hates you again?
ahhh ok. hiked Speculator a couple times. that's out there for sure. hmu if you're ever around
just went and looked hahahaha gore rails are so easy to spot. they just look ratchet
that being said I was there a half dozen times this year and the park wasn't horrible. def seen worse in the past years. also seems like there are a couple crews who throw down pretty hard
SammyDubzamen to that. dudes scum no matter what your political beliefs are
I was stationed in NY for a few years and never once found anyone that liked him. I guess the city is different but still don't see how anyone likes him. Serious mafia vibes.
Sdot.Wait, does this mean that you think it will be decriminalized way before it's actually regulated and taxed? I have a really hard time believing that - regulation and taxation is the only reason why Alaska finally "legalized" commercial cannabis, but cannabis is still a schedule IV controlled substance in Alaska statute (as well as most other regulated states). Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
Cheers to NY! Hopefully the tax money is used wisely. NY's will be a sales tax, right?
when he says decriminalization he means you can't get a felony or jail time for possessing some weed. doesn't make it legal per say, but the punishment would be similar to a traffic violation or something.
13% sales tax apparently, 9 to the state, 4 to local municipalities. a buddy of mine told me 40% hahaha he must've been talking out his ass. never trust the shit dealers say
SammyDubzahhh ok. hiked Speculator a couple times. that's out there for sure. hmu if you're ever around
just went and looked hahahaha gore rails are so easy to spot. they just look ratchet
that being said I was there a half dozen times this year and the park wasn't horrible. def seen worse in the past years. also seems like there are a couple crews who throw down pretty hard
That's good to see. We had a solid crew from like 03 04-2009. After that is seemed like gore parks fell off the map. I went there a few times and parks were a ghost town.
Glad to see it on the come up.
Also the red paint at the end of the rails and just some shitty rails in general always hurts my brain.
Hiking around speculator etc is sick. You can really get out there in that region while avoiding the high peaks claim gang crowds.
Will def hit you up. Ill be back at least some time this year. Trying to sus out border openings and shit right now. Figure out if im staying in washington building parks in Africa. Jumping on the Africa thing 100% because i miss that place but border is still closed betweent south africa and lesotho. So plans are pretty dicey but very likely ill be in ny at some point.
Might try and help with some pours at some diy parks while I'm back there. I'm very bad at skateboarding but i enjoy it.
Sdot.Wait, does this mean that you think it will be decriminalized way before it's actually regulated and taxed? I have a really hard time believing that - regulation and taxation is the only reason why Alaska finally "legalized" commercial cannabis, but cannabis is still a schedule IV controlled substance in Alaska statute (as well as most other regulated states). Or am I misunderstanding what you're saying?
Cheers to NY! Hopefully the tax money is used wisely. NY's will be a sales tax, right?
SammyDubzwhen he says decriminalization he means you can't get a felony or jail time for possessing some weed. doesn't make it legal per say, but the punishment would be similar to a traffic violation or something.
13% sales tax apparently, 9 to the state, 4 to local municipalities. a buddy of mine told me 40% hahaha he must've been talking out his ass. never trust the shit dealers say
Precisely. Not sure how decriminalization would be defined at the federal level but in states where it is decriminalized, it's usually made a minor misdemeanor (possession limits vary) that isn't on your record.... but if you're a medical professional or likely any other safety sensitive profession, you will still have to report that misdemeanor to your board. So in my eyes decriminalization is still a joke for people like me.
At the federal level decriminalization would mean removing from the schedule 1 narcotic list I believe. That's a huge deal. Options would be to not make controlled at all or reschedule either as 2, 3, or 4. I doubt it would ever be CV. Even if they make it a C2 narcotic, that means it would have medical benefit by definition and therefore would extend protection to those using legally obtained cannabis for valid documented medical reasons. I think removing from all DEA scheduling would be easier for the government cuz then they won't have to say there's a medical benefit. Decriminalization could also affect federal firearms background checks in the sense that cannabis wouldn't be considered an illicit substance.
You also have to remember that states can be more strict than the federal government but they cannot be more lenient. Our marijuana state specific laws still don't protect the individual or business from federal prosecution however the feds have mostly taken a hands off approach and do not prosecute unless you're doing some shady shit.
For example. I have Crohn's. I could get a medical card and buy pot in my state easily. I've been tempted. Ohio doesn't address use of those in safety sensitive positions and leaves it very open for interpretation in the law. It's infuriating. However use is not protected under employer laws, and I could totally lose my license or be suspended for "abusing narcotics". I also have a ccw license which if I answer yes to using illicit substances, I wouldn't be able to do that nor purchase any future firearms if I'm being honest. Obviously I'd lie but if you get a card, now there is a paper trail, so your defense is much more limited, especially if you have to shoot someone in self defense. Privacy only goes so far and I wouldn't feel confident in that being totally private.
I said decriminalization is most likely because that's all congress has been pushing. They specifically said they intend to let the states regulate. There's multiple bills very soon to be released but no idea on the details. The one last year that passed the house but not the senate removed cannabis from dea scheduling so I'd expect something like that with the whole commerce to be left to individual states. Full federal legalization could come early but that's probably gonna lag a bit. The word decriminalize is a much easier term to gather bipartisan support whereas I don't think there isn't a majority for full legalization.
HypeBeastPrecisely. Not sure how decriminalization would be defined at the federal level but in states where it is decriminalized, it's usually made a minor misdemeanor (possession limits vary) that isn't on your record.... but if you're a medical professional or likely any other safety sensitive profession, you will still have to report that misdemeanor to your board. So in my eyes decriminalization is still a joke for people like me.
At the federal level decriminalization would mean removing from the schedule 1 narcotic list I believe. That's a huge deal. Options would be to not make controlled at all or reschedule either as 2, 3, or 4. I doubt it would ever be CV. Even if they make it a C2 narcotic, that means it would have medical benefit by definition and therefore would extend protection to those using legally obtained cannabis for valid documented medical reasons. I think removing from all DEA scheduling would be easier for the government cuz then they won't have to say there's a medical benefit. Decriminalization could also affect federal firearms background checks in the sense that cannabis wouldn't be considered an illicit substance.
You also have to remember that states can be more strict than the federal government but they cannot be more lenient. Our marijuana state specific laws still don't protect the individual or business from federal prosecution however the feds have mostly taken a hands off approach and do not prosecute unless you're doing some shady shit.
For example. I have Crohn's. I could get a medical card and buy pot in my state easily. I've been tempted. Ohio doesn't address use of those in safety sensitive positions and leaves it very open for interpretation in the law. It's infuriating. However use is not protected under employer laws, and I could totally lose my license or be suspended for "abusing narcotics". I also have a ccw license which if I answer yes to using illicit substances, I wouldn't be able to do that nor purchase any future firearms if I'm being honest. Obviously I'd lie but if you get a card, now there is a paper trail, so your defense is much more limited, especially if you have to shoot someone in self defense. Privacy only goes so far and I wouldn't feel confident in that being totally private.
I said decriminalization is most likely because that's all congress has been pushing. They specifically said they intend to let the states regulate. There's multiple bills very soon to be released but no idea on the details. The one last year that passed the house but not the senate removed cannabis from dea scheduling so I'd expect something like that with the whole commerce to be left to individual states. Full federal legalization could come early but that's probably gonna lag a bit. The word decriminalize is a much easier term to gather bipartisan support whereas I don't think there isn't a majority for full legalization.
SammyDubzup to 3 zips of tree and 24 g of concentrates. that second part surprised me.
six plants + 2 mature.
rec sales expected to take a year and a half plus
according to my buddy whos in the industry its gonna be taxed at 40% which is ridiculous but doesn't surprise me from NY. no idea if that number is actually true or not
Jesus 24 gs of concentrate would last a while even dabbing heavy every day. And yeah the taxes are crazy I’m in Maine and I payed 140 for 2 gs of concentrate when I used to get 3 gs for the same price
theabortionatorAlso To thread, did anybody see gore made it on park crew hates you again?
yoooooo I saw that lmao
Thank god I’m finally deciding to move on from jore starting next winter. Need a change of scenery after practically growing up skiing there and literally having a pass nowhere else other than to jore and Whiteface for the past 19 years.
Now it'd be cool if they decriminalized fun drugs. Weed being legal has done nothing for me except hike up the prices. I like good weed but I can buy decent weed for half the price from my regular guy.
Now lets decriminalize mushrooms and actually do something good for society.
zuesNow it'd be cool if they decriminalized fun drugs. Weed being legal has done nothing for me except hike up the prices. I like good weed but I can buy decent weed for half the price from my regular guy.
Now lets decriminalize mushrooms and actually do something good for society.
Denver has decriminalized them. DC might have too not sure on that.
Thank god I’m finally deciding to move on from jore starting next winter. Need a change of scenery after practically growing up skiing there and literally having a pass nowhere else other than to jore and Whiteface for the past 19 years.
I feel that! Where are you heading?
I will say I do miss the 518. There were some hungry motherfuckers that just loved skiing.
I also wish I had nade it to Whiteface more often but I was super busy working at Gore all the time.
theabortionatorI feel that! Where are you heading?
I will say I do miss the 518. There were some hungry motherfuckers that just loved skiing.
I also wish I had nade it to Whiteface more often but I was super busy working at Gore all the time.
I’m getting an ikon pass bc I’m just as close to killi and Stratton as I am to gore. Only other option was a pass to west since it’s dumb close to my place but fuck west. It’s a bit of an extra drive to killington or Stratton but it’s easier for myself and the homies that live outside of Albany to get to there than it is for them to get to gore.
The gore employee pass came in clutch during the past few years though, and I’m gonna miss not having to pay for a season pass. Had some extra weed money during college bc the closest hill to campus was Whiteface and I’d just work at gore while I was home on break instead of paying for a pass.
A lot of the hungry people I grew up riding gore with moved to VT after high school so getting an ikon will also help save some bread if I decide to go to sugarbush and visit some buddies in Burlington.
Brule.I’m getting an ikon pass bc I’m just as close to killi and Stratton as I am to gore. Only other option was a pass to west since it’s dumb close to my place but fuck west. It’s a bit of an extra drive to killington or Stratton but it’s easier for myself and the homies that live outside of Albany to get to there than it is for them to get to gore.
The gore employee pass came in clutch during the past few years though, and I’m gonna miss not having to pay for a season pass. Had some extra weed money during college bc the closest hill to campus was Whiteface and I’d just work at gore while I was home on break instead of paying for a pass.
A lot of the hungry people I grew up riding gore with moved to VT after high school so getting an ikon will also help save some bread if I decide to go to sugarbush and visit some buddies in Burlington.
Yeah on the one hand i miss west, but otherwise fuck west. Especially with the new owners. At least they're throwing money at infrastructure.
zuesNow it'd be cool if they decriminalized fun drugs. Weed being legal has done nothing for me except hike up the prices. I like good weed but I can buy decent weed for half the price from my regular guy.
Now lets decriminalize mushrooms and actually do something good for society.