Look man, every site on the internet and every place in the world where there are people, there’s racism, sexism, hate and violence. IMO this site is better than a lot, worse than some, but filled with some great people, I myself have never been any of the above, but I’ve been an ass, and this site has made me aware of some of my negative tendencies, made me aware of things I maybe didn’t fully realize or acknowledge were problems. There’s a lot of support here for all different types of people and is overall a pretty good community, it’s like everywhere else, you and your son need to have the ability to decide what and who is right/wrong on your own and live your lives not in hiding, kids need parents, tutors, teachers and role models not helicopter parents. Better to be exposed and be privy to the goings on in the world than sheltered and ignorant.
NotaskibumEvery since my son joined newschoolers, he's been speaking about nothing other than hucking his meat, getting hypy and something called a "kfed".
I then came on this site to see what it was all about and i see front page articles about how sexist this place is, as far as the eye can see there are misinformed comments from pre-teens about anything and everything, while all of the adult posters seem to have an extreme case of histrionic personality disorder.
The site promotes excessive risk taking behavior, fat skis, skipping school, skiing while high and something about a binding by look that is also a sex toy(?).
Overall, Newschoolers is a negative influence on our youth, provides no value to society and should be promptly shut down.
Man I just re read your post and holy shit no wonder your kids so hyped to be here you sound like your about as fun as watching snow melt. Yes newschoolers needs some improvement, so does the world, and the recent years have been a bad example due to politics, and illness and a lot of us, definitely myself, didn’t show our best during this time, but your post in no way helps anything in anyway and is basically irrelevant, think your time would be better suited learning how to be a part of the world, your sons life and show your son how to be a part of it rather than hide from it, your just gonna push him away and towards the things you don’t approve of.
iFlipYes. You should leave first, to start the trend.
Damn someone always beats me to this kinda comment, verbatim fella