Imma start this off with I’ve only been skiing 4 seasons total including this one. What got me into skiing was snowboarding in the park and all my friends on skis going way faster and leaving me behind. Well I wanted to see some people skiing park other than the “intimidating” locals and fellow weekend warriors at my home hill. My Dad happened to have a pair of k2 ikonics and my mom happened to also have a pair of k2 super burnin loves. So I looked up k2 park skis on my family’s shared Mac Book. (Mind you this was the summer/spring before I started skiing) the first video to show up was k2skis Fire in the Sky. I remember watching these people do things I could never imagine myself doing. I specifically liked the skis Pep Fujas was skiing. I looked them up and they were k2 marksman! (The skis I would become infatuated with) I kept looking into more videos of him and found his Session 1242 segment.
Fast forward 4 almost 5 years and I still watch this Segment which was filmed and produced years before I was born. Late Last season after 2 of saving finally had enough money for the Marksman and I still watch his segment from session 1242 and k2s fire in the sky. Along with his later stuff with nimbus.
Film Segments and video parts, I really do believe live on for ever as long as there is skiing and people to watch them. They are also so accessible anyone with a GoPro or phone just some sort of camera can go film something great. And that thing could be seen by others and inspire them.
With this I’d like to encourage others to keep films, edits, cuts what ever you want to call them alive. So our future children can have something to inspire them and not just their old annoying dads or moms. Support skiers you like and want to watch. Support brands that directly support those skiers. And support filmers by watching the things they make and show them and skiers that you love to see Video parts with positive feedback and some views.