Skiblade420I’m going to a specialist, urgent care looked at X-rays and felt around and I had little pain and decent motion. Lady there said most likely grade three.
did you have a full recovery?
I was diagnosed with a "grade 3" but that just means they evaluate you and then slap a number on. I think mine probably is closer to a 4. Mine was a couple years ago, and my shoulder is not fully stable and will not be without the surgery, and there is a significant protrusion. I can get by fine though - I do all my normal shit, but it bothers me. I think I may get the surgery in the next year or so, because there is just a little too much movement in the joint and I hate the way it looks. From what you have described, it sounds like you have a grade 3 at the most and maybe a grade 2. But this is bro science. Also, urgent care doesn't know shit about this stuff.
There is no harm in rehabbing without the surgery and seeing where that goes and if you're satisfied with how it turns out. Putting off the surgery makes no difference as far as long term outcome goes. See what the specialist says, but I would'nt freak about your shoulder/surgery. It sounds manageable.