Hey all
I think there’s a good number of you by now who have seen my various threads and responses shitting on 12 year olds. I am here with my hat in my hand to ask for some advice.
Ive been thinking about this for a long time, but wanted to hear what NS thinks. I’m toying with the idea of starting my own ski company. Nothing large at all, just as a sort of side hustle if you will. I have a few shapes drawn up, and would attempt to make the skis as cheap and durable for consumers as possible. I am willing to front the cost of starting the company up (building a press, raw material) and I wouldn’t be doing it for profit. Skis would be listed at almost cost, and would be customizable to an extent. Very interested to hear any input, from anyone who has had similar thoughts, or has even built their own press which I know a few of you have. Cheers!
oh, and if anyone would actually be interested in taking a leap of faith and doing this with me, I’d love to work with a fellow NSer!