jompcockI've heard x games puts the jumps close together to make the course more difficult. My guess is that FIS screamed liability?
The trail that that slope is on is super flat until the feature above the jumps that goes by the trees. That's why they have a huge drop in ramp for x every year. There's no spot above those trees you could put a jump. When it's a 3 jump line it works well especislly if the snow is good. They've cramned 4 jump lines in and it's a bit tight, especially with the size of the jumps these days.
Usually the knuckles from x would be more straight forward to build on but with the weird transition features this year they would have had to move a bunch of snow around and get the knuckles set.
Also i only watched like one run. Waiting to find a link to watch it if anyone has one.
But basically xgames is from when you uave enough speed for jump 1 till you're coming into the corral. They could push something furthur down but it seems to work best with a 3 jump.