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I was racing a few years back and just got a new pair of GS keys that were a good 15 cm taller than I was, I was One of the best in the state so I just wanted to use my new giant slalom skis. In between runs that we were taking some free runs, I was really trying to get a feel for the skis so I was cutting it pretty close to the side of the trail when my nose went under the breakable crust and I front flipped headfirst into an ice boulder from when they groomed the trails. Split the thing right in half and knocked myself out for a good three minutes and got a pretty nasty concussion and bruised a rib. Never did go to the hospital though. Still the scariest thing that is ever happened to me. Needless to say I got a new helmet that day
**This thread was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 11:14:06am
B00NEI was racing a few years back and just got a new pair of GS keys that were a good 15 cm taller than I was, I was One of the best in the state so I just wanted to use my new giant slalom skis. In between runs that we were taking some free runs, I was really trying to get a feel for the skis so I was cutting it pretty close to the side of the trail when my nose went under the breakable crust and I front flipped headfirst into an ice boulder from when they groomed the trails. Split the thing right in half and knocked myself out for a good three minutes and got a pretty nasty concussion and bruised a rib. Never did go to the hospital though. Still the scariest thing that is ever happened to me. Needless to say I got a new helmet that day
**This thread was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 11:14:06am
P.S. I was carried down in the sled by ski patrol and was told that I without a doubt would’ve died, or became a vegetable the rest of my life.That type of stuff really makes you think, I was scared to go skiing for months after that.
mf's really be thinking that not wearing a helmet would be a mistake here instead of skiing full throttle on a new pair of GS skis on the edge of the trail when the snow has a crust on it
like yeah wear a helmet and all that but more importantly know your limits and when it is/isnt a good idea to push them
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 11:28:42am
a_burgermf's really be thinking that not wearing a helmet would be a mistake here instead of skiing full throttle on a new pair of GS skis on the edge of the trail when the snow has a crust on it
like yeah wear a helmet and all that but more importantly know your limits and when it is/isnt a good idea to push them
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 11:28:42am
You right
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 11:33:50am
In 2014 I started wearing a helmet.
First day wearing it I got caught up on a log slide at Killington and did a superman head first into hard snow. Shook me up but I was fine.
Last year was chaperoning a school trip and was laying out big trail-wide cards and as I transitioned from right to left, a girl on the trip was straight lining and she was right in front of me, so I did some kind of movement to not kill her and ended up catching an edge and slamming my head on the ground. In a daze I looked for her and she said, "Did you run over my skis or something?" It was crazy because I thought I took her out. The rest of the was was all surreal, kinda like a weird dream.
First accident was a legit Smith helmet, second was a Giro soft shell, multiple impact one - after that I bought a Giro MIPS.
Yep, I've gotten multiple concussions all while wearing a helmet (except the soccer one) and I think most of them would've been so much worse had I not been wearing a helmet. You never know when you'll need one though. In January, I closed my rear hatch on myself after taking my skis out, hitting the corner of it against my head, knocking me to the ground. I was fine but it hurt like a mofo
B00NEP.S. I was carried down in the sled by ski patrol and was told that I without a doubt would’ve died, or became a vegetable the rest of my life.That type of stuff really makes you think, I was scared to go skiing for months after that.
If they told you that I’m sure they would’ve told you to go to the hospital if it was that bad which you blatantly ignored. Just cause you are wearing a helmet doesn’t mean you can’t sustain a serious head or neck injury from a wreck like that.
CatdickBojanglesIf they told you that I’m sure they would’ve told you to go to the hospital if it was that bad which you blatantly ignored. Just cause you are wearing a helmet doesn’t mean you can’t sustain a serious head or neck injury from a wreck like that.
They thaught I broke my neck so they put me in a neck brace while on the sled, and they told my that if anything was really bad to go to the doctor, and nothing bad happened so I didn’t go
B00NEThey thaught I broke my neck so they put me in a neck brace while on the sled, and they told my that if anything was really bad to go to the doctor, and nothing bad happened so I didn’t go
Whatever you say man, I would’ve died if I didn’t have the helmet on, and right behind the ice Boulder thing was a shit ton of trees so if I didn’t hit the ice Boulder I would’ve hit the tree and at that point I def would’ve died
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 3:38:03pm
B00NEWhatever you say man, I would’ve died if I didn’t have the helmet on, and right behind the ice Boulder thing was a shit ton of trees so if I didn’t hit the ice Boulder I would’ve hit the tree and at that point I def would’ve died
**This post was edited on Mar 2nd 2021 at 3:38:03pm
It sounds like you would've died if you weren't wearing a helmet that day
a_burgermf's really be thinking that not wearing a helmet would be a mistake here instead of skiing full throttle on a new pair of GS skis on the edge of the trail when the snow has a crust on it
I always wear a helmet in case that dude is comin' down the hill after me.
I've always worn a helmet and always will. I've had a bunch of bad crashes in the park and on the race course and helmets have def saved me from a lot of brain damage. Skiing's dangerous and I don't know why people won't wear a helmet. It doesn't make you less cool to be safe
the amount of times I do this in my subaru, no greater pain
ReturnToMonkeyYep, I've gotten multiple concussions all while wearing a helmet (except the soccer one) and I think most of them would've been so much worse had I not been wearing a helmet. You never know when you'll need one though. In January, I closed my rear hatch on myself after taking my skis out, hitting the corner of it against my head, knocking me to the ground. I was fine but it hurt like a mofo
I was up at Alta with some buddies and my friend hucked a cliff, ate shit and slammed his head against the tree. He got off with a concussion. Ski patrol said that his helmet saved his life.