Replying to Ever lost a ski? Like lost lost?
Story time.
Friday was a great day at my local resort, 5 inches on top of some stiffer packed stuff. There is this one run under the lift that is steep, then a flatter spot then steep again. Steep enough to be a double black(barely). My plan from the lift was to huck off the flatter part into the second steep part, nothing crazy. So I was hauling ass, hucked it not massive like maybe 15 feet, and on landing my right ski got stuck and spun me around and I tomahawked 5 times ~100 yards to the bottom of the hill. I sat up, was seeing stars(which spooked me even though I didn't hit my head hard) and found one ski and one pole. Dude on the lift yelled "that was youtube worthy!" and I asked everyone that went by on the lift to keep their eye out for the ski.
2 ski patrol had nothing better to do and helped, my brother helped, and 3 friends helped. an hour and fifteen minutes later, we were walking back to my first ski about to head out and give up when I stepped waste deep in pow and barely felt it.
I got lucky and found it. I was about to lose my shit because I just got these skis and they're my only skis. What would I have done if I didn't find it? The plan was to go down and give patrol my number but then I would have no clue what to do. Anyone else lost a ski before?
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