animatorThe, “hype,” of which you speak, is that the skis are fucking bombproof, they started right here in these very forums, and they are very highly regarded as one of the coolest, most down to earth, American made ski companies that makes some of the best skis in the world. There’s a reason you see all of these Euro kids asking about shipping them overseas....
That being said, if you don’t go big in the park, or in the side/backcountry, you arguably won’t get the best out of them. They’re designed in a way that means they can be pushed way beyond the limits of a comparable ski from another brand, while still being full of energy and durable as fuck. If you’re not a fan of skis that feel damp, sturdy, and powerful, but at the same time, feel energetic, poppy, and playful, you won’t get along with them.
For you to defend a ski companies rep by saying it is “cool” or “down to earth” just makes on3p look like an overhyped trend-prostitute-baiting pile of shit to anybody with an iq over 90. Im not knocking on on3p bc i respect their durability but your being your own worst enemy here.
Youre doing the skiing equivalent of.
—”is she hot??””
—“hmm... um... she has a really great
—“so in other words shes ugly as fuck”
—“no no shes really cool and down to earth!”
in the end a ski brand should be judged by their products, not by how cool ethan swadburg is.
also, instead of accepting the reality reflected by ops post that on3ps might not be the best for everybody, you kind of scapegoat ops skills and say —op you dont like on3ps bc you suck,— “you dont go big enough in park” “if youre not a fan of skis that are sturdy, powerful, poppy, energetic and playful, then you wont like 0n3ps”... etc... basically telling op that hes an idiot gaper for having dared talk shit about on3ps.
Again not good publicity if your audience has over a 90 iq and doesnt like being told they suck at skiing. Bad skiers usually like good skis just as much as good skiers like good skis.
“Theyre designed in a way that means they can be pushed way beyond the limits of skis from another brand”
Dude maybe if on3ps ski engineers are such unmitigated gangsters they should build a gs ski and see how it fares against the shit created by the idiots at head, atomic, volkl, and fischer”
If on3p is as good as your post seems to imply then they probably could make a much better gs/sg/dh ski than those idiot germans who have only been building skis since the on3p designers grandparents were sucking on their great grandparents boobs....good luck with that endeavor kek
Im not trying to tear 0n3p a new asshole bc there is nothing i respect more than a products durability/reliability.
but come back to earth. Dont say “op u dnt liek on3ps bcuz u suk at skiig”
Just admit like with anything, a product will have both strengths and weaknesses.
what you are doing is the equivalent of a head shill telling some kid who cracked the edges on his frame walls on a rail his first day riding them “oh head has super durable edges you just suk at skiing and dont know how to hit fails properly its not the skis fault the skis are perfect hurr hurr”
.... which is bullshit. Nobody is gonna suck heads cock about their edges being durable just like nobody should suck on3ps cock about them being the most dynamically sound skis that have ever been created.
0n3ps have fast bases and are durable. Thats more than enough for many skiers. So leave it at that and pull on3ps cock out of your mouth.
And before u all rip me for knocking on on3ps, the only thing i legit have against on3p is their playing of the exclusivity card by charging 600$ for their skis when they couldve charged much less. Its a way to cheat people out of money they dont even have and i dont respect that at all.
Inb4 “on3p has to charge 600$ bcuz they are handmade of the finest materials in the world”
pls shut the fuck up. It doesnt take 500$ of overhead to build a pair of on3ps.