eheathdude it must be tough being you, your life sounds so hard man, vibes
Yeah for me it's not that bad, because I'm a tech worker. I have friends though who have lost literally everything because the government decided their business shouldn't be running - for a whole fucking year.
I have friends who are poor, because I grew up without money, and they are so incredible fucked. Their kids are learning nothing. Their spouse cannot work. It's so fucked up.
So yeah, I really truly believe
vehemently, that you people need to recognize some BASIC FACTS about the world around you.
The behavior, and extreme hyper-focus, on a single thing, for a whole fucking year, is KILLING PEOPLE. It is keeping us from getting back to a state of normalcy. It is driven by fear, and it is not rational.
If it were rational, you won't drive anywhere, and you would get tested for cancer every year, but you don't.