tomPietrowskiOpen cell foam is actually only around 30% of the liner and is only used next to the foot for the out of the box feel and also to add warmth. All layers of foam which actually mold in the liners are Ultralon, the same used in Intuition liners, so you will get the same level of molding but some added comfort and warmth with FT liners. The Pro tongue for example uses 2mm of MD Ultralon and 7mm of HD ultralon which is the same thickness of ultralon used in the Intution HD race liner for example.
Now I'm not trying to say one is better than they other, they are both great options, but I would not dismiss the FT liners, if you dig into them you will potentially find a few reasons to try them out.
Thanks. So stick with aftermarket Intuition.
>old thread but thought I'd post up for the info.
The new FT Pro liner is nothing close to a high density Intuition. I don't know where FT asked China to put the 7mm high density Ultralon, but I'm guessing the heel. The rest is a combination of 4mm open cell and 2mm Ultralon.
Compare that to a Power Wrap made entirely out of high density Ultralon: 12mm body and 7mm sole.
Sure the pro liner is stiffer than the other FT offerings, but it's not as stiff as a PW. Why not get the cheapest FT shell that works for you with a sweet flexing 6 tongue and then spend the rest on a power wrap. 12 flex tongue in a FT....please. Sven Coomer would puke. The beauty of the classic is the flex. But hey, bros be charging so hard they need that 12 tongue. BS. Skiers in their 40's and 50's now who raced on Flexons, you're excused because you only know the 10 tongue anyway.
Sorry, I just hate all this seeming conjecture about the goodness of FT's liners. They are fine. IMO they are not $200USD liners. Spend a couple bucks more and get an Intuition. And the pro is not worth the extra $ relative to their performance liner IMO. The both have stiff cuffs and sloppy lowers. Intuition is stiff all over. I have no affiliation with Intuition other than I'm very familiar with their and FT's liners.
Hope this helps influence more informed decisions.[/quote]
**This post was edited on Mar 15th 2021 at 1:52:57pm
**This post was edited on Mar 15th 2021 at 1:53:44pm
**This post was edited on Mar 15th 2021 at 1:54:47pm