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cobra_commandereasily reparable. Put some marine epoxy in there, clamp closed and let cure.
Just fill that and we’ll send out new pair when we’re back from Christmas break (1/5).
Jemsbruh i lost 6 inches of edge on my magnus 90s a week into skiing them, that’s not even bad
WoFlowzIdk if it’s just me but the amount of issues like this or edges falling out or skis snapping that are all on3p is quite contradicting to the fact that most people argue they are the most durable park skis. They do seem to have rly good coustom ear service probably because of all these issues
MaimHelpPeople are so used to other skis breaking they don’t feel the need to post it. All skis break it’s nature, especially when skiing park and even more so when learning when you wreck at weird angles. I watched my friend in a brand new pair of park skis nip the front of a rail while hopping on and blowing up the whole base off one of his skis. It just happens. I guarantee if you never hit the park on on3ps they’d be like those straight skis you are still being used from the 70s
WoFlowzTrue true I’ve just been seeing a lot of it lately idk i was kinda curious If it was just a bad batch or something
weastcoastDid you throw them into a woodchipper or something?
JemsNo i ski at hyland
lil.BoyeAre their rails made of files or something?
Jems100+ laps per day of skiing