Sdot.False. Have you been to northern/western Alaska?
We harvest nearly all of the protein that we eat through hunting and fishing. Neither veganism nor lab-grown meat is in my future.
That's only your choice tho. We've evolved and developed our supply chain to a point where you can get any food you want pretty much anywhere on the planet. You don't have to hunt or fish, you can eat whatever you want, you can be a vegan if you want and still get the proteins needed for healthy diet, that's the beauty of living in our (western) day and age. You seem to imply that "neither veganism nor lab-grown meat is in your future" because of you live in AK and that you have to hunt and fish to get your proteins, but you don't have to, you simply chose to.
More generally on this topic, people don't seem to realize that any innovation has to go through the steps, lab-grown meat is still in the infancy stages, as this industry develops, so will its quality and efficiency. So if lab-grown gets to a point where it's more efficient to produce, similar in taste, widely available while being animal-friendly, I mean it just becomes a no brainer, why wouldn't you eat it then?
Same reasoning with electric vehicles, goal is to get that to a point where it's as efficient to produce, similar in performance while being cheaper and more eco-friendly to run. I mean it will just be a no-brainer for everyone.
I'm all for innovation in general, but even more so in the face of our climate crisis, this isn't a luxury, we need to change, and I'm personally excited to see people coming up with these ideas.