TikTok has blown up in popularity since the start of quarantine. Content on TikTok has a much higher potential to propel a video into viral status when compared to Instagram. Recently a lot of skiers have been dipping their toes into TikTok, and I am curious to know how people feel about this.
On one hand, I feel like those who want to "bring back the ski edit" and frown upon Instagram ski culture are probably not stoked about this. On the other hand, no publicity is bad publicity, and TikTok is definitely contributes to a larger viewership of ski content.
Pro skiers from countries who are a part of TikTok's creators fund have a few really good reasons to put their content on TikTok. Firstly, there is a financial incentive which Instagram does not offer, and additionally there is an opportunity to make it to the screens of viewers who would otherwise never see their content.
I think it's great that TikTok exposes a larger audience to our sport, however I suspect that as the TikTok era of internet skiing evolves, we will be further pushing the envelope for what it means to chase clout a la double cork.
I would love to hear some opinions.