Replying to Sundown Fatty's Demo..Line, 4Frnt
Word kids..this Saturday, Fatty's Sporthouse is doing a demo for some snowboard companies and Line and 4Frnt..its from 9-2, but a lot of us will be up there all day just sessioning, trying out skis, and having skiinG fuN lylas !
The setup right now on G is:
60' shotgun
Banana Rail (dope !) or 20' Down
40' Flat Down (ill !) or 20' Flat Down
Flat Down Flat (steez !) or A Frame Box
Chill C-box or Trapezoid
Dank Big Rainbow
Then a okay table..they hopefully will fix it..
There's also a smaller park on Exhibition if you like that
Small Park-
15'box or 15'flat
Picnic box or Down Flat Down rail
30' jump or Flat Down Flat box
15' flat rail
That's just what I know from being there recently..Jarrod (fluff)will know what will be up that day..
But yeah so just come out with your friends and session..
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