I am watching the “this is home” video by the faction collective. It’s a few years old and all the freestyle guys (at least in Antti Ollila’s segment) are riding the candide series. As of 2019-ish, it seems like a lot of freestyles athletes jumped ship from the CT for Prodigy series.
I had some 2016 prodigy’s. They weren’t the toughest, but I remember them getting mad hate (which I don’t think they deserved) and I remember the roofbox review of them. So when they were popular, it made sense to me.
What DIDN’T make sense was the mass exodus of faction guys from the CT to the prodigy and the expanding of the prodigy line. It felt like it happened overnight,
Does anyone have insight into this? I tried to look it up but couldn’t fin anything.
I do feel I must share that my factions were 100% faction: very fun, but they did start breaking a little early