I saw this post from Banks Gilberti making the rounds on peoples stories a few days ago, and I'm honestly kinda conflicted about it. The picture, along with the caption, come off as somewhat demeaning and elitist, because who the fuck says that you own a spot? Sure geotagging posts is wack, but am I not allowed to take a friend to a new zone that I found? Someone had to show you the zone in the first place, so aren't you being hypocritical? Also, who the fuck out the is seeing a zone on a random persons insta page and putting enough time and effort into it to find the area? The only group this really applies to is ski influencers, like Banks, who is probably more guilty of this than anyone of us. A guy I follow summed it up pretty well with a clip of jeff grosso in LLTSB:
clip starts at 1:25
On the other hand, I'm from an area that is currently being invaded by Californians, which I dislike, as it drives up the price of living and increases the density of people who don't care about my hometown the same way that I do. I think what it comes down to is that being outdoorsy is somewhat inherently elitist, as if everyone in the US was able to go experience the outdoors the same way that we do, the outdoors would no longer exist in a state that we would enjoy. Every single dirt logging road that goes to a zone that only you and your buddies know about would be paved, with a shuttle bus that runs every 15 minutes, and a lodge every 100 feet for when the city slickers get their feet cold.
bottom line who gives a fuck