r00kieThis must be what is emitting the 5G signal thats giving everyone the rona. Follow the money! Do your research! Ankillla will confirm on ig within the hour!
Since the 1970's humans have seen more than a 10 quintillion, yes quintillion times increase in electro magnetic radiation, from that time many new illness and brain cancers have skyrocketed. The whole 5G causes COVID is ridiculous, obviously, and discredits thousands of independent studies illustrating the impacts of 5 generation tech which is 20 ghz - 90 ghz. Concentrated emf's of 75 - 90 ghz are used as crowd control by the military.
>>>“The electromagnetic radiation standards used by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) continue to be based on thermal heating, a criterion now nearly 30 years out of date and inapplicable today.”
-The Department of Interior in a 2014 letter on the impact of cell towers on migratory birds.
Most countries in Europe, even China's recommended guidelines for EMF exposure and tens to hundreds of times under what the FCC will allow. The FCC relies merely on how EMF's heat your skin but hundreds of studies have shown that non-ionising EMF's work through the VEGF and VACC pathways.
Exposure of Insects to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Fields from 2 to 120 GHz
>>>investigate how insects (including the Western honeybee) absorb the higher frequencies (2 GHz to 120 GHz) to be used in the 4G/5G rollout. The scientific simulations showed increases in absorbed power between 3% to 370% when the insects were exposed to the frequencies. Researchers concluded, “This could lead to changes in insect behaviour, physiology, and morphology over time….”
India dropped their RF limits by 1/10th of ICNIRP after a 2010 Government Report documented the majority of research studies found adverse effects to wildlife, birds and bees. An August 2012 Advisory by the Ministry of the Environment and Forests refers to the “negative effects” and makes a series of recommendations to the government.
>>>RF-EMF radiation exposure can change neurotransmitter functions, blood-brain barrier, morphology, electrophysiology, cellular metabolism, calcium efflux, and gene and protein expression in certain types of cells even at lower intensities”.
A now retired US Fish and Wildlife Service wildlife biologist, former lead on on telecommunications impacts, Dr. Albert Manville, has written to the FCC on impacts to birds and higher frequencies to be used in 5G and authored numerous publications detailing research showing harm to birds.
Manville has testified about the impacts of cell towers on birds that:
>>>“the the entire thermal model and all FCC categorical exclusions for all the devices we see today, rests on the incorrect assumption that low-level nonionizing nonthermal radiation cannot cause DNA breaks because it is so low power the evidence to the contrary is clear and growing laboratory animals and wildlife.”
Balmori, Alfonso. “Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as an emerging threat to wildlife orientation.” Science of The Total Environment, vol. 518–519, 2015, pp. 58–60
•The growth of wireless telecommunication technologies causes increased electrosmog. Radio frequency fields in the MHz range disrupt insect and bird orientation.
•Radio frequency noise interferes with the primary process of magnetoreception. Existing guidelines do not adequately protect wildlife. Further research in this area is urgent.
Cucurachi, C., et al. “A review of the ecological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF).” Environment International, vol. 51, 2013, pp. 116–40.
•A Review of 113 studies from original peer-reviewed publications. RF-EMF had a significant effect on birds, insects, other vertebrates, other organisms and plants in 70% of the studies. Development and reproduction of birds and insects are the most strongly affected endpoints.
Balmori, A. “Electrosmog and species conservation.” Science of the Total Environment, vol. 496, 2014, pp. 314-6.
•“Conclusion: At the present time, there are reasonable grounds for believing that microwave radiation constitutes an environmental and health hazard….Concerning the exposure to electromagnetic fields, the precautionary principle is needed and should be applied to protect species from environmental non-thermal effects (Zinelis, 2010). Controls must be introduced and technology rendered safe to the environment, since this new ubiquitous and invisible pollutant could deplete the efforts devoted to species conservation.”
Manville, Albert M. “A BRIEFING MEMORANDUM: What We Know, Can Infer, and Don’t Yet Know about Impacts from Thermal and Non-thermal Non-ionizing Radiation to Birds and Other Wildlife.” Wildlife and Habitat Conservation Solutions, 2014.
•“In summary, we need to better understand … how to address these growing and poorly understood radiation impacts to migratory birds, bees, bats, and myriad other wildlife. At present, given industry and agency intransigence … massive amounts of money being spent to prevent addressing impacts from non-thermal radiation — not unlike the battles over tobacco and smoking — and a lack of significant, dedicated and reliable funding to advance independent field studies, … we are left with few options. Currently, other than to proceed using the precautionary approach and keep emissions as low as reasonably achievable, we are at loggerheads in advancing meaningful guidelines, policies and regulations that address non-thermal effects….”
Recent studies on negative effects of EMF's:
Here are peer reviewed, many are randomised double-blind placebo studies (can be found on pubmed):
I warn you, you might think differently about 5G and emf's after you read these studies and there are thousands. The problem in the US is that 5G is all about making profit as the president of the FCC said openly, and nothing about safety. When you call and ask, they refer to their paid industry scientists who have major conflicts of interest.
I'm for safety and the environment! Not for the new next-gen 5G iphone made by slave mined minerals using emfs that have potential impacts on the ecosystem of our planet.
All I'm saying is that 5G impacts the ecosystem and thousands of studies prove this. Plus, 5G is NOT GREEN or good for the environment. Data needs to be stored and 5G uses a tremendous amount of data so more facilities will have to be made with tens of thousands of cooling towers diverting rivers, etc., to cool data centres.